Week 2 of The Actors Studio Drama School Rep Season opens with Trifles, Lady of Fadima and Wide Awake Hearts. Scroll down for a first look at the actors onstage!
The Actors Studio Drama School 2017 Repertory Season opened Week 2 of its seven-week series of exciting and challenging Theater Productions with Trifles by Susan Glaspell, Lady of Fadima by Edward Allan Baker, and Wide Awake Hearts by Brendan Gall. The season features the work of the graduating MFA Acting, Directing, and Playwriting students who collaborate on professionally produced productions presented at the Theater at Gibney Dance.
Trifles, an early feminist drama loosely based on a murder in Iowa that premiered in 1916, was directed by Paul Edwards and featured Omar Ezat, Gregory Jensen, Abigail Milnor-Sweetser, Elisabeth Morgan, and Mason Sullivan.
Lady of Fadima, written by the head of the MFA Playwriting program at ASDS, was directed by Evan F. Caccioppoli and featured Chris Mantione, MarJay Smith and Christina Villa.
Wide Awake Hearts, written by Canadian playwright Brendan Gall and had its New York premiere last year, was directed by Mengxuan Zhou and featured Gregory Jensen, Maura McKendrick, John-Riley O'Handley, and Maria Cristina Pimiento.
The ASDS Repertory Season continues with five more weeks of productions. For more information on the season, visit www.ASDSRepSeason.com.