The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a musical comedy based on the novel by Mark Twain. The musical is the story of a fourteen-year- old boy growing up in the heartland of America. This Broadway musical version of Mark Twain's novel is set in 1840 in St. Petersburg, Missouri, a bustling town on the banks of the Mississippi River. In the course of the story, Tom matches wits with his stern Aunt Polly, falls in love with the beautiful, feisty Becky Thatcher, and goes on the adventure of his life with Becky and Huckleberry Finn. Along the way he meets a terrifying villain named Injun Joe, Tom's bratty half-brother Sid, and all the other boys and girls in the village.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is Directed by James Spencer,, 937-305- 9924, Assistant Directed by Donna Cason, with Musical Direction by Ben Spencer and Choreography by Annette Looper.
August 5-7, 12-14 at 7:30 pm Northpark Amphitheatre, Springboro
Free Admission
Check out photos of the cast below:
Nancy Albert
Matt Poliachik and Micah Koverman
Matt Poliachick, Mary Nunnery, Tim Fingerle & Samantha Cornely
Cast of Tom Sawyer
Cast of Tom Sawyer
Cast of Tom Sawyer
Cast of Tom Sawyer
Matt Poliachik, Samantha Cornely and Micah Koverman
Matt Poliachik, Samantha Cornely and Micah Koverman
Cast of Tom Sawyer
Eva Greer & Micah Koverman
John Nussbaum and Steve Voris
John Nussbaum and Steve Voris