TIMBER!, a new contemporary circus show from Cirque Alfonse, is inspired by their country roots and their hometown Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez.
Cirque Alfonse has created a show that combines original folk music and folklore and contemporary, cutting edge circus. Think modern circus meets Mumford & Sons/Williamsburg, complete with wooden props and hoops made directly from resources available at the forests and farms surrounding their hometown. Their costumes are flannel shirts and lumberjack boots. They juggle with axes while playing guitar!
TIMBER! has a very DIY, homegrown feel, despite the fact that the performers and artists have been training for most of their lives and are experts at their craft, and some of the best circus performers in the world.
TIMBER! runs October 13-19 at NYU Skirball (566 LaGuardia Place). Scroll down for a sneak peek at photos and video of the show!
TIMBER! Photo by Guillaume Morin.
TIMBER! Photo by Jane Hobson.
TIMBER! Photo by Jane Hobson.
TIMBER! Photo by Jane Hobson.
TIMBER! Photo by Jane Hobson.
TIMBER! Photo by Nicolas Descoteaux.
TIMBER! Photo by Nicolas Descoteaux.