BroadwayWorld collected as many of yesterday's evening Saturday Intermission Pics as we could to bring you Part 2 of our November 30th SIP round-up! Check out part one HERE.
Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in Mary Poppins, and von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday's SIPs come from the national tour of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, taking their paper faces on parade, Broadway's BIG FISH and CINDERELLA, plus, La Jolla Playhouse's SIDE SHOW, the national tour of EVITA, and more!
Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for Part 2!
BIG FISH's Ryan Andes, Alex Brightman & Preston Boyd (Broadway)
@AndesRyan: "2 show Saturday with my 2 show homies, Alex Brightman and Preston Boyd. #sip @bigfishbroadway
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA's Nick Cartell & Company (National Tour)
@nickcartell: "Masquerade! Paper faces on parade!!! @PhantomOnTour @ProvPacRI @BroadwaySpotted #SIP #spectacularnewphantom"
EVITA's Holly Butler (National Tour)
@HollyAnnButler: "Our dance captain does NOT approve of my suggestion for alternate costumes in Vegas... #sip #evita"
SIDE SHOW's Lauren Elder (La Jolla Playhouse)
@LalabirdLauren: "#SIP Transformation from Venus to Virginia #SideShow @ljplayhouse @broadwayworld #gluedeyebrows"
THE SOUND OF MUSIC's Stephanie Gilmore & Company (ABT)
@MezzoGilmore: "Max, Elsa & the captain light the Menorah @ArizonaBroadway #abtsoundofmusic #SIP @broadwayworld"
THE SOUND OF MUSIC's Stephanie Gilmore & Company (ABT)
@MezzoGilmore: "Von Trapp family card game @ArizonaBroadway #abtsoundofmusic #SIP @broadwayworld"
ANOTHER NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS' Rick McVey & Company (Barter Theatre)
@RickMcVey: "#sip #bartertheatre @RickMcVey & @HannahIng (Ingram) Another Night Before Christmas - Big Red?"
LA COMEDIA HOLIDAY CELEBRATION's Molly McCloskey & Andrew Krueger (La Comedia Dinner Theatre)
@mollymxo: "La Comedia Dinner Theatre wishes you a Very Star Wars Christmas. #SIP @AaronMKrueger @broadwayworld @KeenanBlogger"
CARRIE - THE MUSICAL's Chris Arneson & Company (Bug Theater)
@arnrad: "Carry the musical! #carriethemusical #getit #closingnight #sip @ The Bug Theater"
SPAMALOT's Tripp Fountain, Jacob Hoffman & Carl Michael Wilson (Regional)
@tweetsforTripp: "#sip! the boys to my left - #JacobHoffman & @CarlMichaelW :) #broadwayworld #weeathamandjamand #spamalot"
SEUSSICAL's Rachel Frangie (Regional)
@rfrang77: "This #SIP is brought to you by Ice Packs everywhere. #Seussical @broadwayworld"
LES MISERABLES' Alex Briglio & Company
(Regional) @briglio1: "#SIP #intermission #lesmiserables"
A CHRISTMAS CAROL's Arielle Kaplan (Regional)
@Arielle_Kaplan: "Belle is still smiling after five shows! #SIP #AChristmasCarol"