Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to TUCK EVERLASTING's Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in XANADU, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured a first SIP from Pippin, plus shots from MATILDA, HANDS ON A HARDBODY, CINDERELLA, MOTOWN, ROCK OF AGES, KINKY BOOTS, WICKED, PASSION, F#%KING UP EVERYTHING, Encores! SUPERMAN, JERSEY BOYS, THE WIZARD OF OZ in Toronto, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, FLASHDANCE, WEST SIDE STORY, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, MARY POPPINS, SHREK and more!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
PIPPIN's Anthony Wayne and Company
@awayne1: "@KeenanBlogger Would you mind sharing this #SIP w/ B'way world? Let me know who to contact because #PIPPIN is ready!!"
MATILDA's Lesli Margherita
@QueenLesli: "Sometimes being LOUD requires something extra. (Yeah yeah, it's bad for me blah blah) @MatildaBroadway #SIP"
MATILDA's Samantha Sturm and Company
@SamanthaSturm: "Trying to find the perfect opening night dress for @MatildaBroadway!! Misses Dressy is nailing it. #SIP @QueenLesli"
MATILDA's John Arthur Greene and Ryan Steele
@JohnArthurG: "#SIP @RySteele @JohnArthurG Loud is over!! Happy day off!"
HANDS ON A HARDBODY's Jay A Johnson and Company
@Jay_A_Johnson: "Booze and flowers... We must have opened this week! #SIP @HardbodyMusical"
@Hunter_Foster:: "@HardbodyMusical #SIP Keith's message to @ABCFamily #Bunheads"
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes
@LauraOsnes: "The world according to #HermanTheFish. #sip @SantinoFontana @CinderellaBway"
MOTOWN's Charl Brown and Company
@thecharlbrown: "We got @MotownMusical Magic To Do! Welcome to Bway Pippinmusical #sip Saturday Intermission Pic @..."
ROCK OF AGES' Cody Scott Lancaster and Company
@cody_lancaster: "Only one snack will do at @RockOfAges. Thanks for rockin', @jimmyfallon! #SIP"
WICKED's Brandon Rubendall
@brubendall: "My first @WICKED_Musical #SIP!!!! Let the fun begin!!!!!!!"
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh and Company
@ellynmarsh: Gettin the KINKS out. #mullet #sip kinkybootsbway"
@GMightyMills: "#SIP @broadwayworld "@ABCFamily Please renew #Bunheads !!
@KinkyBootsBway loves @sfosternyc & @Hunter_Foster"
PASSION's Orville Mendoza (Classic Stage Company, Off Broadway)
@OviActor: "#Passion has no intermission so it's completely appro that my #SIP is dropping on Sun. @classicstage"
F#%KING UP EVERYTHING's Douglas Widick and Company (Off Broadway)
@dwidick: "@broadwayworld #SIP @FUEonstage"
SUPERMAN's Samantha Massell and Company (Encores! Off Broadway)
@smassellsings: "Only 2 more chances to see #encores #superman!! #SIP @keenanblogger @maxizpad @theedwardwatts @jesspatty"
JERSEY BOYS' Nick Cosgrove (First National Tour)
@jaycarey212: "Happy Birthday Nick Cosgrove (Frankie Valli JB Tour 1) @NickCosgrove22 @jaycarey212 @KeenanBlogger #SIP"
Cast of JERSEY BOYS with President George H. W. Bush (2nd National Tour)
@Co_Pilote: Presidential Intermission @JerseyBoysInfo Tour 2 #SIP"
THE WIZARD OF OZ's Jordan Bell (Toronto)
@thejordanbell: "Natural Look Saturday #sip #munchkindrag"
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST's Jimmy Larkin and Company (National Tour)
@jimmy_larkin: "Recess bullies @ldballard and @tonydalelio, poor Lefou on that cactus... #California #SIP @maxizpad @keenanblogger"
THE ADDAMS FAMILY's Dan Olson and Company (National Tour)
@DanOl5on: "Addams Fight Club #addamsfamilytour #SIP #seeyousoon @amanda_bruton bwelnicki mgpop shaunpuffyrice..."
MARY POPPINS' Maddy Trumble and Company (National Tour)
@madtrum: #sip There were never such devoted sisters."
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company (National Tour)
@HollyAnnButler: "What we're excited for... #SIP #flashdancethemusical"
THE LION KING's Selena Moshell and Company (National Tour)
@gmgtravel: "Lioness and Zebra stripes at the end of a long two-show day! #lktourlife #nationaltour #tourlife #sip..."
SHREK THE MUSICAL's Andrew Metzgar and Company (National Tour)
@AndrewJamesMetz: "Rats preparing for "Morning Person" #SIP #shrekthemusicalontour #LasVegas #SmithCenter @KeenanBlogger @franziepants"
WEST SIDE STORY's Louie Napoleon and Company (National Tour)
@LouieNapoleon: "Happy Birthday @stephenlikesyou! From our Jets to yours! #SIP @jewman757"
THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD's Liz Sauter and Company (ArtsPower National Tour) @LizSauter: "Some #SIP fun with the cast of @ArtsPowerInc "The Little Engine That Could" National Tour at @tribecapac today!"
ELVIS LIVES' Julian McCleary and Company (National Tour)
@JulianMcCleary: "#SIP #elvislivestour one lucky child will get this tonight in Chicago here at GE Rosemont!"
OC Gay Mens Chorus
@MenAliveChorus: Getting ready to 'Vogue' for Act2! #SIP #Madonna #StrikeAPose #OCGMC @BroadwayWorld @KeenanBlogger @Maxizpad"
ANYTHING GOES' Sean Fowley and Company (Regional)
@schfowl3: "Sailors and yu-gi-oh? Anything Goes with North Warren Regional!! @KeenanBlogger #SIP"
Cast of ONE SINGER, ONE PIANIST & ALMOST 20 SONGS (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van One singer, one pianist & almost 20 songs Live: Spekkiestime in de kleedkamer! #sip #sipnl"
Cast of ONE SINGER, ONE PIANIST & ALMOST 20 SONGS (The Netherlands)
@ptravssr: "@cindybesems: .@KokHwaLie De #SIP van One singer, one pianist & almost 20 songs Live: spekkiestime! #SIPNL"
BUDDY: THE Buddy Holly STORY's Sarah Carlé and Company (Chemainus Theatre, BC, Canada)
@Carle: "#SIP The Buddy Holly Story @ChemainusThtr BC!"
Chandler Jez (Regional)
@jezchandler: "Stage Manager Booth #sip"
Chandler Jez and Company (Regional)
@jezchandler: "#sip"
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS' Adam Quinn (Regional)
@AdamRQuinn: "#sip Getting into the Audrey II puppet for the second act of MUSKET'S Little Shop of Horrors at U of..."
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM's Jamie G'Sell and Company (Regional)
@jamiegsell: "Midsummer Night's Dream... punk fairies! #SIP #albumcover"
GUYS AND DOLLS' Madi McGuckin and Company (Regional)
@madimcguck: "Last guys and dolls #SIP so were seizing the performance!! #newsies #GuysAndDolls"
Cast of HONK (Regional)
@brea1001: "Honk cast loves ya warts and all! #SIP"
ANNIE GET YOUR GUN's Vincent Teschel and Company (Crown Uptown Theater)
@VincentTeschel: "Dem cowboys of dressing room one #SIP #anniegetyourgun #crownuptowntheater @joedom3"
Cast of COMPANY (Weekend Theater)
@emphoto2003: "'You know where a person can really feel New York City?!' #SIP #Company @maxizpad @keenanblogger @WeekendTheater"
COMPANY's Erin Martinez and Company (Weekend Theater)
@emphoto2003: "Jenny and David brought some of their "special brownies" to Bobby's birthday party! #Company #SIP @MaxizPad @DuaneJ"
Kate Carolan and Company (Regional)
@allonsykate: "#SIP oops we're gay"
SWEET CHARITY's Karen Burthwright and Company (Writers Theatre, Chicago)
@KBurthwright: "Happy Passover from charity and Oscar! #sip #chametz @writerstheatre #sweetcharity"
Annie Schenks and Company (Regional)
@annieschenk: "Dying in the blizzard #sip #closingnight jojo_sax"
STAY ON THE LINE's Stefan Rich and Company (Los Angeles)
@Stefan_Rich: "Stay On The Line! #sip #newsies @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @SOTLthemusical #latheatre"
Cast of THE WIZ (Regional)
@EdenArmy: "Slightly delayed but... Greetings from Oz! #TheWiz #SIP @MaxizPad @keenanblogger"
BABES IN ARMS' Hayley Rose and Company (Regional)
@hayleysroses: "Susie, Grace, and Betty, The Real Servants of The Deep North #SIP #ouronlySIP #babesinarmOUR"
Cast of GREASE (Regional)
@brodwhey: "Late posted #sip : Frenchy and Jan getting ready for the big dance"