Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured a preview of Laura Osnes' "slippers" for CINDERELLA's opening tonight, a cute video from the cast of NEWSIES, FLASHDANCE meets "Saved By The Bell", the KINKY BOOTS factory boys at the show's final dress rehearsal, and pics from THE BOOK OF MORMON, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, CHICAGO, THE WIZARD OF OZ in Toronto, ANYTHING GOES, A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER at The Old Globe and more!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes
@LauraOsnes: "I may or may not be wearing these for OPENING night tomorrow!!! Cinderellabway #SIP"
Julia Murney at Cinderella
@JuliaMurney: "@LauraOsnes a #SIP for you, my superstar friend...loving the show! #greatshoesbtw"
NEWSIES' Kevin Bianchi and Company
@thekevinbianchi: "#WrongShowPreShow with @KeatonJadwin. #Chess #Newsies #Jack #Davey #SIP @Newsies @KeenanBlogger"
@TheDJF: "#SIP THE BUDGET BALL OF IT ALL: From the house of Holy Lactasia; Sister Honey O'Cereal, in MOTHER MARY'S MILK"
FLASHDANCE's Jakob Karr and Company (National Tour)
@jakobakarr: "#SIP Some #flashdance meets Saved by the Bell realness happening in NOLA! @hollyannbutler hypochandrea..."
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh and Company
@ellynmarsh: "Goin to hell in a laundry basket. kinkybootsbway #sip #finaldress"
KINKY BOOTS' Andy Kelso and Company
@NakedlySo: "Factory mates. #kinkybootsbway #InvitedDress #sip"
THE ADDAMS FAMILY's Dan Olson and Company (National Tour)
@DanOl5on: "The Addams Hair Club for Men #addamsfamilytour #SIP #seeyousoon @ Fox Cities Performing Arts Center"
CHICAGO's Eddie Bennett and Company
@Euphorian54: "Poor Amy, it seems she couldn't negotiate a car service @chicagomusical ! #SIP"
WIZARD OF OZ's David Gordon and Company (Toronto)
@MrDavidGordon: "Me and Cowardly. Wizard of Oz #SIP"
ANYTHING GOES' Jacqueline Burtney and Company (National Tour)
@JBurtney: "The angels of #anythinggoes create a Look Book of their own! #SIP #roundabout #hallelujah"
A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER's Kendal Sparks and Company (The Old Globe)
@KendalSparks: "Sitz #SIP The company of A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER @TheOldGlobe #JonathanTunick #EGOT @broadwayworld"
THE DROWSY CHAPERONE's Jessie Hull and Company (CCS Players)
@jessie_hull: "Drowsy Chaperone performed by the CCS Players! We love you @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @broadwaycom <3 #SIP"
LEGALLY BLONDE's Devynn Pedell and Company (Chatham High School)
@devped22: "@MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger Chatham High School Legally Blonde closing show! #deltanu #SIP"
SEUSSICAL's Quenton Ellis and Company (Springfield Little Theatre)
@quentonellis596: "Seussical at Springfield Little Theatre celebrates Dr.Seuss' birthday! #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
Kayleigh Richel and Company (Regional)
@kayleighrichel: "Day late #SIP... I guess S can be for Sunday. :)P @iRyanLubin and I getting bloody bloody."
THE LITTLE MERMAID's Madison Pritchyk and Company (Regional)
@MadiAnni: "Under the Sea #SIP :) @KeenanBlogger @broadwaycom @abbydenham"
@leenabean917: "Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Hood Very Bad Day #SIP ?"
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT's Tyler Johnson Campion and Company (Centerstage)
@TylerJC_mtboy: "Dream coat. Found. sid_thekid13 #Joseph #Centerstage #SIP"
THE OLD BOY's Chris Dwan and Company (The Clurman)
@blackdwan: "Props or pregaming? #SIP TheOldBoy at TheClurman. @broadwayworld @keencompany @carydonaldson @jonnysilver"
FOOTLOOSE's Chris Biehn and Company (Regional)
@1BIEHN: "@johnnpeterson requested this: #Footloose #SIP"
COMPANY's Erin Martinez (Weekend Theater, Little Rock, AK)
@emphoto2003: "I need a Coke this size to make it through tech! #Company #SIP @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @WeekendTheater Little Rock"
OKLAHOMA!'s Claire Manning and Company (Regional)
@manning_claire: "Oklahoma! #sip"
FOOTLOOSE's Kelly Urschel and Company (Regional)
@KellBellUrschel: "ANOTHER FOOTLOOSE. #SIP #western #hearitfortheboy"
Cast of THE SOUND OF MUSIC (Boston)
@BostonStarkids: "Late #sip from the nunnery(; #soundofmusic @KeenanBlogger"
Cierra Olmo and Company (Regional)
@cierraolmo14: "Closing night #SIP love doing shows with my bro @eolmo27"
Cierra Olmo and Company (Regional)
@cierraolmo14: "Lmao what is going on #SIP officiallymrsscott missemilydance @lessthanamuffin @ashinthekusher"
Rebecca and Company (Regional)
@beccabord: "#SIP @lily_pedersen @KeenanBlogger"
Emily and Company (Regional)
@emilyfeitt: "Last show bitches #SIP"
THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE's Emily Mackay and Company (Northport)
@emilyymackayy: "Northport Powdered Wigs: Thoroughly Modern Millie always getting in trouble #SIP @broadwayworld"
THREEPENNY OPERA's Max Clayton and Company (CCM)
@MaxMClayton: "Polly checks out Mack the Knife's scar face. CCM's Threepenny Opera #SIP"
Hannah Grillot and Company (Regional)
@_HannahGrillot: "#SIP"
Jammee Adams and Company (Regional)
@heyyymie: "We almost forgot to #SIP!"
@eatony: "Second Show #SIP with Sooner Theatre's "How To Succeed" cast!! @maxizpad keenanblogger"
HOW TO SUCCEED's Katherine Lock and Company (Sooner Theatre)
@lockatherine: "Forever Finch and Rosemary in our hearts. @PrestonTay #sip @maxizpad keenanblogger"
HAIR's James Roberts and Company (Tour)
@jamesrob96: "Cookie! #SIP #hairontour"
Jessica K. and Company (Regional)
@thejessicakay28: "#sip #curtains @KeenanBlogger I'm gunna miss this <3"
LEGALLY BLONDE's Scott McQ and Company (The Golden Bough Playhouse)
@Satyr69: "Whipped into Shape! #legallyblonde #SIP @ The Golden Bough Playhouse"
ELVIS LIVES' Julian McCleary and Company (National Tour)
@JulianMcCleary: "#SIP "Elvis Lives"for Fosse . North American Tour cast With Callie Johnson, Milo Matthew, Daisy Flores"
HOW TO SUCCEED's Gretchen Newell and Company (Sooner Theatre)
@GretchenNewell: "#SIP #H2SProblems @NoraShaughnessy"
Cast of THE KING AND I (Regional)
@K_Creppy: "The King and Tuptim getting intimate. #GettingToKnowYou? #SIP @natataatt @MaxizPad"
MATCHMAKER's Andrew Mullins and Company (Regional)
@Mullins_Andrew: "@KeenanBlogger inspired my cast to start a #SIP tradition! #Matchmaker"