Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to TUCK EVERLASTING's Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in XANADU, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured more from MATILDA on Broadway, a "gaggle" of ball gowns from CINDERELLA, MOTOWN's interpretation of HANDS ON A HARDBODY, KINKY BOOTS, NEWSIES, a sexy soccer SIP from ROCK OF AGES, Ben Vereen backstage at MISS AMERICA HOMECOMING, and shots from JERSEY BOYS, LES MISERABLES, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, PETER PAN, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, and more!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
MATILDA's Lesli Margherita and Company
@QueenLesli: "Double whammy SIP day. Mrs. W & her hotties. @RySteele @ClayThomson @JohnArthurG @MatildaBroadway #ugottabLOUD #SIP"
MATILDA's Ben Thompson
@B_ThompsonNYC: "Escapologists can't do doughnuts in unitards...ok...maybe one @matildabroadway #sip"
MATILDA's John Arthur Greene and Company
@JohnArthurG: "Sorry this is late. Bad service in the dressing room! #sip @RySteele @SamanthaSturm and #MatildaBroadway"
Heather Tepe for MATILDA on Broadway and the West End
@hteepes: "Matilda #SIP New York and London! @matildabroadway @jackgreaves_ @marcantolin #broadway #westend..."
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes
@LauraOsnes: "A gaggle of empty ball gowns... #sip cinderellabway"
MOTOWN's Rebecca Covington and Company
@RoRoCov: "#SIP @motownmusical #HandsonaHardBody"
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh and Company
@ellynmarsh: "Bet a bottoms' dollar. #sip kinkybootsbway"
NEWSIES' Andy Richardson
@AMRichardson3: "I'm having way too much fun snapping this fan open and closed and saying ole. #Ineedahobby #SIP"
ROCK OF AGES' Genson Blimline and Company
@Genson11: "Who loves soccer? #bethere323 #rockofages #SIP"
MISS AMERICA HOMECOMING's Max von Essen and Company
@MaxizPad: "Oh you know, sometimes Ben Vereen just shows up backstage. #MissAmericaHomecoming @luketaps #SIP"
MISS AMERICA HOMECOMING's Luke Hawkins with Ben Vereen
@MaxizPad: "Snapped this one of @luketaps & Ben Vereen! #MissAmericaHomecoming #SIP"
JERSEY BOYS' Jay Carey and Company (National Tour)
@jaycarey212: "BC/EFA collections in San Fran! JB 1st Natl. @jaycarey212 @KeenanBlogger #SIP"
LES MISERABLES' Trinity Wheeler (National Tour)
@trinitywheeler: "Hot! #lesmisUStour #LesMis #SIP"
Cast of PETER PAN (National Tour)
@peterpantour: "We mustache you a question - Do YOU believe in fairies? #SIP #stached"
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF's Steven Mooney and Company (National Tour)
@stevenmmooney: "Go back down the main stairwell! @KeenanBlogger @FiddlerOnTour @broadwayworld #sip #titanic #anatevahsthirdclass"
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF's Ron Tal and Company (National Tour)
@Ron_Y_Tal: "Our three fiddlers are sad because there's no roof access. @KeenanBlogger @FiddlerOnTour @broadwayworld #SIP"
Billy Elliot's Brittany Nicholas and Company
@bnnicholas: "Ballet girl #SIP... #billyelliot"
@DanOl5on: "#SIP #addamsfamilytour #lurchx2 #seeyousoon"
ANYTHING GOES' Amanda Stutzman and Company (Regional)
@amandapstutzman: "Anything Goes sailors are rockin the wigs tonight during intermission! #sip #SIP #anythinggoes #musicaltime"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Clare and Company (Regional)
@claresername: "just kidding there's more @matildabroadway #SIP! #intheheights ensemble #matilda #saturdayintermissionpic..."
IN THE HEIGHTS' Clare and Company (Regional)
@claresername: "Final #intheheights #SIP ever! We finally made it on! :) broadwayworld..."
IN THE HEIGHTS' Barbara Camara and Company (Montgomery Theater, San Jose)
@barbaralcamara: "In the Heights does #mirrorseflies #SIP keenanblogger @maxizpad #ith cmtsj @ Montgomery Theater San Jose"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Barbara Camara and Company (Montgomery Theater, San Jose)
@barbaralcamara: "Danielo, Carlo, and Vanesso, mah personal hair stylists #SIP #ith keenanblogger @maxizpad cmtsj @..."
JULIUS CAESAR's Arielle Kaplan and Company (Regional)
@Arielle_Kaplan: "Portia and Calpurnia at Julius Caesar opening! #sip"
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS' Emily Yetta Denny and Company (Regional)
@emilyyettadenny: "Audrey II swag. #SIP #swag #woodies #littleshop"
THE SOUND OF MUSIC's Jake Pinckes and Company (Regional)
@j4kethehuman: "#SIP Liesl&Friedrich #soundofmusic #livetweet"
ANNIE's Erica Shuler and Company (Regional)
@dancinbabe124: "Bout to get that MONEY! #easystreetflow #SIP #roosterandlily @tylerjc_mtboy keenanblogger"
THE ODD COUPLE's Courtney Fose and Company (Regional)
@CFose: "The Odd Couple, female taking a cast photo during intermission. Last Sat Show! #SIP @broadwayworld @BroadwaySpotted"
CRAZY FOR YOU's Olivia York and Company (MHS, Regional)
@york_olivia: "#sip of MHS Crazy For You! @brubendall @KeenanBlogger"
@UnsureOfMyName: "#obnoxiouspictureoftheday Day 66. #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad Willy Wonka the Musical. Violet and Mr. Salt."
THE FULL MONTY's Jason Jaquays-Tarbox and Company (Red House Arts, Syracuse)
@jasonsdisasters: "Sick-day #SIP @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger THE FULL MONTY @thedistrictsyr @redhousearts"
SEUSSICAL's Julia Bain and Company (Regional)
@JuliaBain11: "Just look at the tail she is sporting! #SIP #seussical #lasthighschoolshow"
Cast of INTO THE WOODS (Regional)
@allmarchioni22: "Hotties of Into The Woods @alex_inwonderlad kollyglonn @moniqueciera28 #sip"
GUYS AND DOLLS' Madi McGuckin and Company (Regional)
@madimcguck: "#SIP Newsies meets Guys and Dolls. Pastrami on rye and a paper from Nathans newsstand :)"
TANGO FEROZ's Veronica (Argentina)
@veronijen: "#sip @flootero (Mariana) from @TangoFeroz2013 getting ready for our 2nd show of the day @broadwayworld"
FOOTLOOSE's Chaz Wolcott and Company (Fireside Theatre)
@dancinchaz: "Footloose wishes you a Happy St Patricks Day! #sip keenanblogger @maxizpad #fireside #broadwayworld"
COMPANY's Erin Martinez and Company (Weekend Theater)
@emphoto2003: ""You can put your fist in my pants. That's how much weight I've lost!" #COMPANY #SIP @maxizpad @WeekendTheater"
COMPANY's Erin Martinez and Company (Weekend Theater)
@emphoto2003: "Happy St. Patrick's Day from the cast of #COMPANY! #SIP @maxizpad @keenanblogger @WeekendTheater"
SWEET CHARITY's Liam Quealy (Chicago)
@KBurthwright: "@LiamQuealy serving #realtalk with a suspicious mustache! @KeenanBlogger #sip"
SPACE VOYAGE's Lauren Van Vreede and Company (Regional)
@IAmLaurenKate: "Sassy ladies of Star Patrol! #SpaceVoyage #SIP #OriginalMusical @broadwayworld."
THE LITTLE MERMAID's Giuliana and Company (Regional)
@MISSBELLAG2: "We made some additions to Ariel's grotto! #SIP #thelittlemermaid @KeenanBlogger"
YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN's Lydia Wildrick and Company (Regional)
@_lydwild: "#SIP Final performance of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown!" @maxipad @KeenanBlogger @albinokid"
Melissa Brassard and Company (Regional)
@melissaiu: "Techies like intermission too! #SIP @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @HammondAPA"