It's Saturday, and that means it's time for BroadwayWorld's "Saturday Intermission Pics" round-up!
Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to Tuck Everlasting's Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend. Today's photos feature intermission shots from Paper Mill Playhouse's THE LITTLE MERMAID, off-Broadway's THE FANTASTICKS, and BERENSTAIN BEARS LIVE, Instagram videos from THE BOOK OF MORMON and Gateway's GREASE, and pics from KINKY BOOTS, PIPPIN, WICKED, TOP HAT, WEST SIDE STORY, Barrington Stage's ON THE TOWN and more! Scroll down, stay tuned for updates, and check back tomorrow for more SIPs...
THE LITTLE MERMAID's Jessica Grové and Company (Paper Mill Playhouse)
@JessicaGroVAY: "Mermaid Parade paper_mill @thenickadams jwockitout #SIP #MermaidParade #MermaidDay..."
THE FANTASTICKS' Joe Dellger (Off Broadway)
@DRowanJ: "Joe Dellger: #painter #actor. Makes drying hands fantastick. And look he even made me: THE WALL. @TheFantasticks #SIP"
THE FANTASTICKS' Daniel Rowan (Off Broadway)
@DRowanJ: "Working on my #baresbody! @TheFantasticks #SIP @BroadwayBares! Still time donate to @MaxizPad!"
THE BOOK OF MORMON's Delius Doherty and Company (VIDEO)
@dellyd17: "The first video bookofmormon #SIP ladysemmes It's intermission time at the Book of Mormon! @ "THE BOOK..."
STUCK ELEVATOR's Raymond J Lee and Company (International Festival of Arts and Ideas)
@raymondjlee: "STUCK ELEVATOR Family Portrait at the International Festival of @ArtIdea #SIP @broadwayworld"
THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK MUSICAL's Bryce Turgeon and Company (Merry-Go-Round)
@bturgeon: "Some necessary potty time at The Great American Trailer Park Musical at Merry Go Round #SIP"
THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK MUSICAL's Kristen Gehling and Company (Merry-Go-Round)
@SuperKaggy: "Storytime "Trailer Park style" with MGR's redneck women. #sip @FingerLakesMTF"
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh and Company
@ellynmarsh: "DOG PILE. @stephencarrasco to get him to stay! Happy trails trannie! #sip"
KINKY BOOTS' Andy Kelso and Company
@NakedlySo: "Happy Birthday, @cyndilauper! Love, The Pigeons. #kinkybootsbway #sip"
KINKY BOOTS' Pat Smythe and Company
@PatSmytheBoots: "$25k for BC/EFA. Nailed it. #SIP @ Kinky Boots at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre"
PIPPIN's Anthony Wayne and Company
@awayne1: "Much love to @BCEFA from @PippinMusical #BwayBares2013 @BroadwayWorld @MaryTynTyn @awayne1 @iamandreamartin #SIP"
@Kinzland: "Don't pull any 'ritzy' business with these monsters. #SIP @broadwayworld @GatewayShows #gatewayyoungfrank"
THE BOOK OF MORMON's Jared Gertner (West End)
@JaredGertner: "Always carry a tiny makes your hands look really big! #SIP #NewToy"
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES' Michael Grey and Company (Mac-Haydn Theatre)
@MichaelCGrey: "@KeenanBlogger sad, tired, injured trannies in La Cage at The Mac-Haydn Theatre, Inc. #SIP #CagelleProblems"
Always...Patsy Cline's Jacqueline Petroccia and Company (STAGES St. Louis)
@JackiePFred: 'Patsy, Louise, and the band. Sold out record breaker at Stages STL!!! #alwayspatsycline #SIP"
@calengerich: "@broadwayworld @keenanblogger #Millie @OgunquitPH only has an 8:30 PM curtain so our #SIP is on location!"
ANYTHING GOES' Dennis Kelly and Ami Silvestre (National Tour)
@EStaudenmayer: "#anythinggoes Dennis Kelly celebrates 50 years as an Equity Member with better half Ami Silvestre @MaxizPad #SIP"
HIJ GELOOFT IN MIJ (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP Hij Gelooft in Mij: Tech Power!! #sip #sipnl"
SISTER ACT (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP Sister Act: Blijkt onze technische crew dus een eigen kroeg te hebben...#sip #sipnl"
HANDJES IN DE LUCHT (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP Handjes in de Lucht: Ruud Ringo and his psycho fans...#sip #sipnl"
BERENSTAIN BEARS LIVE's Eric Williams and Company (Off Broadway)
@EricWillz: "An homage to our friends at broadway bares! #offbroadwayBEARS #berenstainbearslive #SIP"
RENT's Maddie Wasser and Company (Regional)
@mgwasser: "afterworktheater broadwayworld @playbilladamh #awtp #rent #sip #nobuttoday"
TOP HAT's Kristen B Williams and Company (West End)
@KBDubsNYC: "#SIP What did you ladies have for dinner btwn shows?! #yum @TopHatOnStage @broadwayworld @CarolineB1989"
THE NANCE's Erick Medinilla
@Erickstheatrics: "#SIP It's commando day at #THENANCEBWAY @theatermania @LCTheater"
GREASE's Michael Warrell and Company (Walnut Street Theatre, VIDEO)
@MichaelWarrell: "Sonny and Kenickie's Saturday intermission warmup. Gotta protect the gift. #sip #walnutstreettheatre..."
ON THE TOWN's Jay A Johnson and Company (Barrington Stage)
@Jay_A_Johnson: "This town belongs to the NAVY. #SIP #OnTheTown @BarringtonStage"
WICKED's Lilli Cooper and Hayley Podschun (National Tour)
@haypod22: "@LilliCooper 's Elphie debut and on my bday!! #SIP #toomuchfun #milwaukee"
WEST SIDE STORY's Jeff M Smith and Company (National Tour)
@JeffmsmithNYC: "@KeenanBlogger #sip #westsideontour #3jets #last3shows @DanBobHiggins @JoshPins @JeffmsmithNYC"