Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
EVITA's Max von Essen
@MaxizPad: "Well it has come to.... @evitabroadway #goodnightandthankyou #SIP"
SPAMALOT's Joe Beuerlein and Company (Finland National Tour)
@theartfulbadger: "Have a great closing night, EVITA! Love, your Finland friends #SIP #SpamNatlTour @MaxizPad @ricky_martin"
THE BOOK OF MORMON's Michael James Scott, Rory O'Malley and Company
@FashionistaMJS: "Part two. The final #SIP for our boy @RoryOMalley !!!!!!!!!!! The@BookofMormonBWY family loves and will miss him!!"
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes and Company
@LauraOsnes: "First #SIP of Cinderellabway!!! greg_hildreth #SantinoFontana"
@E_DaddySciotto: "@KeenanBlogger #Drood #SIP #MagneticStachePoetry"
ANYTHING GOES' Jacqueline Burtney and Company (National Tour)
@JBurtney: "Happy 25th Phantom! From the touring cast of Anything Goes! #phantom #sip #anythinggoes"
THE WIZARD OF OZ's Stewart Adam McKensy and Company (Toronto)
@smckensy: "@smckensy: Happy birthday Wicked Witch! Love the Winkie General... Thirsty? #wizardofozto #mirvish #SIP"
ROCK OF AGES' Kate Rockwell and Company
@KateRockwellNYC: "Yeah!!! @RockOfAges #SIP !!! @MattyD0804 @justinmsargent"
PEEPSHOW's Josh Strickland (Las Vegas)
@Joshuajstrick: "#sip #lasvegas #peepshow style. So hot up in this mug today, had to shower to re amp for #2 #gotime !"
PEEPSHOW's Kaci Wilson Jackson and Joshua Strickland (Las Vegas)
@Kacirw14: "#SIP #backstage joshuajstrick & I..."
PEEPSHOW's Kaci Wilson Jackson and Company (Las Vegas)
@Kacirw14: "#SIP #backstage Charlene drying her nails."
PEEPSHOW's Kaci Wilson Jackson and Company (Las Vegas)
@Kacirw14: "#SIP #backstage @jkcloer"
PEEPSHOW's Kaci Wilson Jackson and Company (Las Vegas)
@Kacirw14: "#SIP #backstage staciw76 #redblooded"
PEEPSHOW's Spartacus (Las Vegas)
@Kacirw14: "#SIP Spartacus kickin it #backstage @cocosworld #whereismom?"
Cast of PEEPSHOW (Las Vegas)
@CheazaCheaza: "@Staciw76 Janine and Charlene killing it and bringing all the boys to the yard:-) #SIP @LVPEEPSHOW"
NEXT TO NORMAL's A.J. Holmes and Company (San Jose Rep)
@ajholmesmusic: "Two doe shay at #NextToNormal but our energy is UP and we are READY for the 2nd act of 4 today! @SJRep #SIP"
Cast of ANNIE (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Annie: Annie kids zijn de baas tijdens Saturday Intermission#sip #sipnl"
Rahsfan and Company (Chicago)
@Rahsfan: "B/t shows. No int. Dyanne US and asst. co. Mgr. #SIP #MDQ#MDQChicago"
JANE EYRE's Lindsey Moran and Company (Regional)
@notbl0nde: "But why? #sip #janeeyre"
JANE EYRE's Lindsey Moran and Company (Regional)
@notbl0nde: "#sip #janeeyre @KeenanBlogger love me"
Evan Hoehn and Company (Regional)
@EvanHoehn: "#SIP @jennynevinn katreenagrein bellomo_ms laritzschnitz rosey_lambert @nickberninger13"
Colton O'Connor and Company (Regional)
THE MUSIC MAN's Ryan Pierce and Company (Regional)
@Rudderrangers88: "Musicman #SIP"
LEGALLY BLONDE's 'Mrs. Aaron Kyle Tveit' and Company (Regional)
@racheltveit: "Greek chorus!!! #sip #legallyblondethemusical"
LEGALLY BLONDE's 'Mrs. Aaron Kyle Tveit' and Company (Regional)
@racheltveit: "Me and Paige!! #sip #legallyblondethemusical"
Shane Savage and Company (Regional)
THE MUSIC MAN's Lexi Baldwin and Company (Regional)
@LexiMae33: "#sip"
Misty Williams and Company (Regional)
@guitaristmisty: "#SIP Saturday Intermission Picture!"
THE MUSIC MAN's Vanessa Gomez and Company (Regional)
@nessam_gomez: "#SIP Intermission!"
THE MUSIC MAN's Lindsey Mitchell and Company (Regional)
@lindseyy_2: #sip intermission! @nessam_gomez"
THE MUSIC MAN's Sara Flores and Company (Regional)
@Sara_L_Flores: "#sip #musicman"
THE MUSIC MAN's Jammee Adams (Regional)
@heyyymie: "Les Misic Pochantas Man #SIP"
ALADDIN's Garrett deGraff and Company (Regional)
@Garrettdeg: "#SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad #Aladdin"
HAIR's Sami Soloway and Company (Regional)
@samisoloway: "#SIP #Hair #Closing"
ROCK OF AGES' Kate Rockwell
@KateRockwellNYC: "Well I look insane...but...first @r0ckofa9es #SIP!!! Gotta teach these rockers the way..."
Anne Finch and Company (Regional)
@ofthefinches: "#SIP"
RENT's Tyler Patrick and Company (Regional)
@TylerPatrickk: "First RENT #SIP!"
Cast of THE MUSIC MAN (Regional)
@J_Thomas96: "#sip #musicman"
MACBETH's Xopher Pappas and Company (Alabama Shakespeare)
@X_opherPappas: "Technically... Technology doesn't exist in 2525. #sip #dunsinaneabbey #macbeth #alabamashakespeare"
FUNNY GIRL's Chris Allen and Company (Riverside Theatre)
@ChrisKotera: "Funny Girl at Riverside's last #SIP! DADT repeal: ask and TAP! @broadwayworld"
Rachel Etoile Robins and Company (Regional)
@yesthisisEtoile: "#SIP #Saturday #intermission #picture #theater"
Gulfshore Playhouse (Regional)
@GulfshorePlay: "Charlotte does Marilyn Monroe! #SIP"
LEGALLY BLONDE's Spencer (Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts)
@mylifeinlights: "#SIP last Legally Blonde show. Ready to move on to Curtains @ Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts ~ SPA"
SWEET CHARITY's Karen Burthwright and Company (Writers Theatre)
@KBurthwright: "#sip @writerstheatre #sweetcharity Nickie aka @karenburthwright being attacked by Ursula's shrug!"
Barbara Camara and Company (San Jose Stage Company)
@barbaralcamara: "TRUE BLOOD #SIP #vampires #BAHSMTS #sparklyabs #bloodkeenanblogger @maxizpad @San Jose Stage Company"
Barbara Camara (San Jose Stage Company)
@barbaralcamara: "He's been my biggest fan since day one! #SIP #BAHSMTSkeenanblogger @maxizpad @ San Jose Stage Company"
King Donell and Company (Regional)
THE MUSIC MAN's Justin and Company (Regional)
@theclassicsguy: "Another #sip from today's (technically yesterday's) performance of #themusicman! With ohthatlauren and liv"
THE MUSIC MAN's Justin and Company (Regional)
@theclassicsguy: "Tommy and Zaneeta #sip! It's been so much fun getting to work with graciepooh1222 and putting on #themusicm"
King Donell and Company (Regional)
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF's Jonny Ozburn and Company (Everett Performing Arts Center)
@jonnyfullofglee: "#SIP keenanblogger #fiddlerontheroof #christianspretendingtobejews #tradiz @ Everett Performing Arts Center"
King Donell and Company (Regional)