Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured the cast of EVITA taking a page from LES MISERABLES and announcing there's just "One Week More" to see the show before it closes on Broadway, last intermission pics with NEWSIES' Ryan Steele, plus photos from THE BOOK OF MORMON, MARY POPPINS, FLASHDANCE, THE WIZARD OF OZ in Toronto, WEST SIDE STORY, THE LION KING, FUNNY GIRL at Riverside Theatre and lots of regional shows!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
The Cast of EVITA
@MaxizPad: "OOOOONE WEEEEEEK MOOOOOOOORE!!! @evitabroadway #SIP @ricky_martin @cerveris @Elena_Roger @therachelpotter"
NEWSIES' Ryan Steele and Company
@KeenanBlogger: "The @Newsies mourn @RySteele's final #SIP :("
NEWSIES' Caitlyn Caughell, Ryan Steele and Company
@caitlyncaughell: Girlsies last #SIP with @rysteele. A fond farewell to our Specs & fearless Dance Captain."
The Cast of NEWSIES
@hoganfulton: "CLASS OF 2013 #SIP #newsies"
NEWSIES' Tommy Bracco and Clay Thomson
@TommyBracco: "Brooklyn x2! @claythomson #SIP"
BOOK OF MORMON's Samantha Marie Ware and Company
@Sammie_Ware: "Straight true blood backstage #sip markhevansh"
BOOK OF MORMON's King Donell
@TheDJF: "@DariusHarius as DJ Spinderella. @BookofMormonBWY #SIP"
THE WIZARD OF OZ's Jordan Bell and Company (Toronto)
@thejordanbell: "Saturday #SIP Dressing Room Dance Party at #WizardOfOzTO with @zakearns @samdigiuseppe"
MARY POPPINS' Nicolas Dromard and Company
@nicolasdromard: "Bert explaining the hockey rules to Mary. @MaxizPad #SIP #hockeyisback @Broadwayworld"
MARY POPPINS' Callan Bergmann and Company
@callanjb: "This crazy girl! On my shoulders! #SIP #MaryPoppinsanniepetersmeyer"
WEST SIDE STORY's Louie Napoleon and Company (National Tour)
@LouieNapoleon: "It's weigh in day at #WestSideonTour! #SIP @KeenanBlogger @Juantf @GuyMandia"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company
@HollyAnnButler: "Trailing @rachelleraksas tonight to get ready to go on next week... Bite the apple & a cha cha puus. #SIP #flashdance"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler
@HollyAnnButler: "@rachelleraksas doesn't come onstage for a while in act 2 so our prop guy put me to work... #SIP"
The Cast of FUNNY GIRL (Riverside Theatre)
@calengerich: "FUNNY GIRL at Riverside Theatre... hat switch #SIP @broadwayworld @KeenanBlogger"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Yannick Vézina and Company (Quebec City)
@BroadwayVez: "Real-life couple Usnavi & Daniela backstage ! #SIP #InTheHeights#closingnight @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @Lin_Manuel"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Yannick Vézina and Company (Quebec City)
@BroadwayVez: "Piragua & Usnavi #InTheHeights #ClosingNight #SIP @joshmo2010 @Lin_Manuel @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
Sean Doherty (Regional)
@theruraljuror_: "Sweaty #SIP #bastardjones #openingandclosingnight #creepykim @kmcclay"
RUMORS' Sam and Company (Regional)
@samweasley_: "Closing night for our HS production of "Rumors" #lastshow #SIP@KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
Sara Kapner and Company (Regional)
@SaraKapner: "Sippidydoodaaaa sippidyayyyy #SIP"
Kelsey Shuttlesworth and Company (Regional)
@kelzers123: "30 reasons not to be in a play #SIP"
Andee Ga and Company (Hofstra University's Gray Wig Theatre)
@andeesings: "Melanie sad because she was left out of the last #SIP. @Modhousewife @MaxizPad"
Chase Todd (Victoria Theatre)
@chasetodd9: "Should I? Good... Because I did. #SIP @ Victoria Theatre"
INTO THE WOODS' Joshua Brewer (Regional)
@brewerjw3: "@MaxizPad #SIP #cantcontrolthisfeelinanylonger #jack #milkywhite#intothewoods #ilovemycow #communitytheatreproblems"
THE 39 STEPS' Barbara Camara and Company (Archbishop Mitty High School)
@barbaralcamara: "39 Steps goes Vogue #SIP @keenanblogger #39steps #the39steps@ Archbishop Mitty High School"