Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
The Cast of EVITA
@MaxizPad: "OOOOONE WEEEEEEK MOOOOOOOORE!!! @evitabroadway #SIP @ricky_martin @cerveris @Elena_Roger @therachelpotter"
NEWSIES' Ryan Steele and Company
@KeenanBlogger: "The @Newsies mourn @RySteele's final #SIP :("
NEWSIES' Caitlyn Caughell, Ryan Steele and Company
@caitlyncaughell: Girlsies last #SIP with @rysteele. A fond farewell to our Specs & fearless Dance Captain."
The Cast of NEWSIES
@hoganfulton: "CLASS OF 2013 #SIP #newsies"
NEWSIES' Tommy Bracco and Clay Thomson
@TommyBracco: "Brooklyn x2! @claythomson #SIP"
BOOK OF MORMON's Samantha Marie Ware and Company
@Sammie_Ware: "Straight true blood backstage #sip markhevansh"
BOOK OF MORMON's King Donell
@TheDJF: "@DariusHarius as DJ Spinderella. @BookofMormonBWY #SIP"
THE WIZARD OF OZ's Jordan Bell and Company (Toronto)
@thejordanbell: "Saturday #SIP Dressing Room Dance Party at #WizardOfOzTO with @zakearns @samdigiuseppe"
MARY POPPINS' Nicolas Dromard and Company
@nicolasdromard: "Bert explaining the hockey rules to Mary. @MaxizPad #SIP #hockeyisback @Broadwayworld"
MARY POPPINS' Callan Bergmann and Company
@callanjb: "This crazy girl! On my shoulders! #SIP #MaryPoppinsanniepetersmeyer"
WEST SIDE STORY's Louie Napoleon and Company (National Tour)
@LouieNapoleon: "It's weigh in day at #WestSideonTour! #SIP @KeenanBlogger @Juantf @GuyMandia"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company
@HollyAnnButler: "Trailing @rachelleraksas tonight to get ready to go on next week... Bite the apple & a cha cha puus. #SIP #flashdance"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler
@HollyAnnButler: "@rachelleraksas doesn't come onstage for a while in act 2 so our prop guy put me to work... #SIP"
The Cast of FUNNY GIRL (Riverside Theatre)
@calengerich: "FUNNY GIRL at Riverside Theatre... hat switch #SIP @broadwayworld @KeenanBlogger"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Yannick Vézina and Company (Quebec City)
@BroadwayVez: "Real-life couple Usnavi & Daniela backstage ! #SIP #InTheHeights#closingnight @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger @Lin_Manuel"
IN THE HEIGHTS' Yannick Vézina and Company (Quebec City)
@BroadwayVez: "Piragua & Usnavi #InTheHeights #ClosingNight #SIP @joshmo2010 @Lin_Manuel @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
Sean Doherty (Regional)
@theruraljuror_: "Sweaty #SIP #bastardjones #openingandclosingnight #creepykim @kmcclay"
RUMORS' Sam and Company (Regional)
@samweasley_: "Closing night for our HS production of "Rumors" #lastshow #SIP@KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
Sara Kapner and Company (Regional)
@SaraKapner: "Sippidydoodaaaa sippidyayyyy #SIP"
Kelsey Shuttlesworth and Company (Regional)
@kelzers123: "30 reasons not to be in a play #SIP"
Andee Ga and Company (Hofstra University's Gray Wig Theatre)
@andeesings: "Melanie sad because she was left out of the last #SIP. @Modhousewife @MaxizPad"
Chase Todd (Victoria Theatre)
@chasetodd9: "Should I? Good... Because I did. #SIP @ Victoria Theatre"
INTO THE WOODS' Joshua Brewer (Regional)
@brewerjw3: "@MaxizPad #SIP #cantcontrolthisfeelinanylonger #jack #milkywhite#intothewoods #ilovemycow #communitytheatreproblems"
THE 39 STEPS' Barbara Camara and Company (Archbishop Mitty High School)
@barbaralcamara: "39 Steps goes Vogue #SIP @keenanblogger #39steps #the39steps@ Archbishop Mitty High School"