Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured an epic intermission pic from Cinderella's Greg Hildreth and Santino Fontana, the men of THE LION KING knitting to their hearts' content, a tribute to PETER PAN's departing "fly guy", and an electrifying shot from Phoenix Theatre's NEXT TO NORMAL, plus SIPs from THE FANTASTICKS, SPIDER-MAN, JEKYLL & HYDE, FLASHDANCE, SPAMALOT, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, HAIR, and lots of regional shows!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
CINDERELLA's Greg Hildreth and Santino Fontana
@LauraOsnes: ""Come into my Heart" #SIP @greg_hildreth @santinofontana @cinderellabway"
THE LION KING's Joel Karie and Company
@joelkarie: "Real men Knit! Lion King Male Ensemble #sip"
THE FANTASTICKS' Daniel Rowan and Company (Off-Broadway)
@DRowanJ: "#nemo made us the tiredtasticks. #SIP @TheFantasticks"
SPIDER-MAN's Kourtni Lind and Company
@unicornlovey: "Saturday night intermission is my favorite thing. We're winners. #delirious #mycastisspecial #sip"
JEKYLL & HYDE's Ashley Loren (National Tour)
@MsAshleyLoren: "Bring On The... Girl Scout Cookies!!! #SIP #jekyllmusical @ Temple Hoyne Buell Theater
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company (National Tour)
@HollyAnnButler: "Flashdance's tribute to @evitabroadway ... Starring @jakobakarr as Eva Peron. #SIP #flashdance @KeenanBlogger"
PETER PAN's "Fly Guy" Paul (National Tour)
@peterpantour: "Our beloved @theflyguy is leaving us for a few weeks, so today's #SIP is in his honor. We will miss you, Paul!"
SPAMALOT's Joe Beuerlein and Company (National Tour)
@theartfulbadger: "Sir Robin said we haven't got a Clue. This'll show him. #SIP #Spamalot #SpamNatlTour @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST's Jimmy Larkin and Company (National Tour)
@jimmy_larkin: "Height appropriate water fountains. #parched #SIP @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
HAIR's Lisa Ramey Rabeez and Frankie Rodriguez (NYC)
@whatbudget: "Lisa Ramey rabeez (Dionne) and Frankie Rodriguez @frankmills92 #HAIR #NYC #sip #intermission @maxizpad..."
NEXT TO NORMAL's Will Hutcheson and Company (Phoenix Theatre)
@willhutcheson: "This show is Electrifying!! #n2ndy #NextToNormal #sip @PhoenixTheatre"
PIPPIN's Conor DeVoe and Company (Coastal Carolina University)
@ConorDeVoe: "Coastal Carolina University PIPPIN! We are actually coming to broadway with April! #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
PIPPIN's Charles Armstrong and Company (Coastal Carolina University)
@starsnlightning: "Final show of undergrad. #pippinrealness #ccu #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
THE MUSIC MAN's Lauren Montana and Company (Regional)
@laurenmontanaa: "The ever lovely mia599 posing for her #sip"
THE MUSIC MAN's Lauren Montana and Company (Regional)
@laurenmontanaa: "This is why they were paired as Tommy and Zaneeta #sip @KarensAdventure"
THE MUSIC MAN's Lauren Montana and Company (Regional)
@laurenmontanaa: "I've forbidden him from graduating so he can't leave #sip"
KISS ME, KATE's Sarah Kyle and Company (Wavestage Theatre)
@keepsinging2day: "#SIP #KissMeKate @Wavestage oh gremio!"
THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD's Caitlin Donnelly and Company (Vanier College Productions)
@caitlin_hellen: "A last #SIP photo from #vcpdrood! Edwin and Jasper reunited!"
THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD's Caitlin Donnelly and Company (Vanier College Productions)
@caitlin_hellen: "Happy last #SIP from #vcpdrood!!! @KeenanBlogger @broadwayworld"
A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM's Annie Burke and Company (Geminae)
@BabyBurke19: "Last #SIP at Forum!!"
Allyson Carr Arena and Company (Regional)
@AllyCarr313: "Dancing to "Ride my Pony" #SIP intermission dance party"
SEUSSICAL's Connor Johnson and Company (Regional)
@rockyonmallory: "The Cast of SEUSSICAL (Regional) #SEUSSICAL #NWCTS #PDX#SIP broadwayworld @MaxizPad keenanblogger"
Mark Walsh (Regional)
@markcwalsh: "In my first Act II costume #SIP"
Katie Young (Regional)
@KatharineYoung: "@KeenanBlogger Stage Management #SIP Post-report writing nap."
SWEET CHARITY's Karen Burthwright and Company (Writers Theatre)
@KBurthwright: "Sweet Charities #sip #livingthesmizelife @writerstheatre #sweetcharity @liamquealy @zquirm"
1776's Trista Moldovan and Company (Pittsburgh Public Theater)
@tristamoldovan: "The card sharks of "1776". #PittsburghPublic #SIP @KeenanBlogger @LibbyServais"
Brandon Rachal and Company (Regional)
@brachal90: "#chicago #SIP #voguestats #usc"
Caleb Haven Draper and Company (Regional)
@CalebDraper: "I've got about half hour offstage between act 1 and 2 so this is my #intermission #costume. #SIP..."