Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to NEWSIES' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Evita's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday evening's photos featured a first SIP from the cast of Hands on a Hardbody, CINDERELLA, the LES MISERABLES 25th Anniversary Tour prepping for tonight's Oscars, and pictures from THE BOOK OF MORMON, THE FANTASTICKS, JERSEY BOYS, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, West End's TOP HAT, THE WIZARD OF OZ in Toronto, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, FLASHDANCE and more!Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
HANDS ON A HARDBODY's Kate Rockwell and Company
@KateRockwellNYC: "Our Hands on a (@cassin8tion ) Hardbody #SIP!! keenanblogger codyscottlancaster @nekazang"
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes and Company
@LauraOsnes: "Hands on a Hardbody, Cinderella-style. Happy 1st preview! #SIP cinderellabway"
LES MISERABLES 25th Anniversary Tour Cast
Trinity Wheeler @trinitywheeler: "At the Oscars rehearsal! #oscars #lesmisUStour #LesMiserables #LesMis #SIP @ethanlephong @juliegarnye"
@nikkimjames: "The cast of @BookofMormonBWY wishes @joshgad and @lopezbobby a very happy birthday! #sip"
THE FANTASTICKS' Daniel Rowan and Company (Off-Broadway)
@DRowanJ: "Forget adam4adam. Have you tired the newest broadway dating app, matt4matt? #SIP @MattLeisy @TheFantasticks"
JERSEY BOYS' Jay Carey (National Tour)
@jaycarey212: "Georgetown Cupcakes Boston... Jersey Style! @jaycarey212 @KeenanBlogger #SIP"
JERSEY BOYS' Natalie Gallo and Company (National Tour)
@nittalina: "B*tch stole my wig! #SIP #JBTour2. @KeenanBlogger @JerseyBoysInfo"
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF's Tina Marie Connell (National Tour)
@TinyTina142: "Two show day in sunny Del Ray! Grandma Tzietel is enjoying this Florida weather! #SIP @FiddlerOnTour @KeenanBlogger"
TOP HAT's Kristen B Williams and Company (West End)
@KBDubsNYC: "@Alan_Burkitt on for Jerry Travers tonite! (And killing it!) Cheeky #SIP @KeenanBlogger @TopHatOnStage"
WIZARD OF OZ's Mary McGowan and Tom McGowan (Toronto)
@mmcgowan210: "No room for the Wizard @TomMcGowan_ when his daughter's studying on the couch! #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
@DanOl5on: "It's Saturday Intermission Picture Time! #SIP #SSIPT #addamsfamilytour #lurchbreak #seeyousoon"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company (National Tour)
@HollyAnnButler: "#flashdancethemusical #SIP Just... Amazing."
A FEW GOOD MEN's Jared Zirilli (Alley Theatre, Houston, TX)
@jaredzirilli: "A sultry, sassy #SIP salute! (Ala JAG Lt Sam Weinberg- "A Few Good Men" at the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas)"
Cast of OKLAHOMA! (Musical Theater West)
@MaxizPad: "Luke Hawkins & Musical Theater West asked me to post their Oklahoma #SIP. Happy to!"
LITTLE WOMEN's Melissa Biltz and Company (Regional)
@MelissaBlitz: "Some serious backstage drama at Little Women! #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
@thiskidjacob: "Photo creds: @youknowjohnson #SIP of Young Frankenstein"
Cast of BUMBA IN DROMENLAND (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Bumba in Dromenland: De cast van Bumba in dromenland grimt Bumba weer even bij..#sip #sipnl"
ANNIE's Anastasia Herne and Company (KAT 2nd Stage)
@AnastasiaHerne9: "Annie Warbucks and Orphan Grace Ferrel #thatsrich #actorproblems @KAT2ndStage #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
ANNIE's Anastasia Herne and Company (KAT 2nd Stage)
@AnastasiaHerne9: "Silly orphans sets aren't for hiding :) #Annieclosingweekend @KAT2ndStage #SIP"
ANNIE's Anastasia Herne and Company (KAT 2nd Stage)
@AnastasiaHerne9: "Someday we'll land in the nut house" @DanaHerson @BMcKenzie1821 #SIP #Annieclosingweekend"
Cast of SOLDAAT VAN ORANJE (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Soldaat van Oranje: Miss Saigon buffet @Soldier of Orange!#sip #sipnl"
GODSPELL's Emma Citron and Company (Regional)
@Emmaloucbway: "Godspell #SIP Gilmer and Jeffrey @maxizpad keenanblogger"
GODSPELL's Emma Citron (Regional)
@Emmaloucbway: "Last Godspell #sip. Evening show selfie. @maxizpad keenanblogger"
CATCHER IN THE RYE's Emma Citron (Regional)
@Emmaloucbway: "3rd and final matinee #sip with @catcherintheRI !! @maxizpadkeenanblogger"
Cast of Muziek Theater Zeep
@MT_Zeep: "#sip #muziektheater #zeep #happyValentine"
Cast of LEGALLY BLONDE (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Legally Blonde Vienna/Wien/Wenen: Winter depression at Natürlich Blond...#sip #sipnl"
Cast of HIJ GELOOFT IN MIJ (The Netherlands)
@KokHwaLie: "SIP van Hij Gelooft in Mij: in the hallway....#sip #sipnl"
Cast of SISTER ACT (Vienna)
SIPNL @SIPNL: "SIP van Sister Act: zijn we allemaal heel blij met onze (verdacht identieke) zeer persoonlijke fanmail! #sip #sipnl"
Cast of Josephine Baker (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Josephine Baker: The Josephine Boys, Josephine Baker (Belgium) #sip #sipnl"
Cast of THE LITTLE MERAMID (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van The Little Mermaid: Onze sip....finally! Chocotijd!! #sip #sipnl"
RENT's Hayley Marian and Company (San Diego Lyceum Theatre)
@hayleymarian: "Aw I miss these guys so much! RENT at the San Diego Lyceum theatre was so fun:) #SIP #swingbacksaturday"
COMPANY's Erin Martinez (Weekend Theater, Little Rock, AK)
@emphoto2003: ""Happy Birthday,Robert! Don't tell your wish, Bobby, or it won't come true!" #Company #SIP @maxizpad @WeekendTheater"
SWEET CHARITY's Karen Burthwright and Company (Writers Theatre)
@KBurthwright: "@gremilyrogers @LiamQuealy @zquirm and Ericka Mac #sippingitup#sip @writerstheatre #sweetcharity @KeenanBlogger"
LEGALLY BLONDE's Lauren Galliart and Company (Theatre Cedar Rapids)
@LaurenGalliart: "@TheatreCR 's #legallyblonde first #sip !! Yay tech!! maxipad broadwayworld"
Tyler Johnson Campion and Company (Dance Concert at 42nd Street)
@TylerJC_mtboy:" Spending my 18th birthday with my favorite people! #danceconcert13' #42ndstreet #SIP"
RUTHLESS THE MUSICAL's Daria Dockery and Company (Regional)
@DariaDock:" Closing night. #SIP"
ELVIS LIVES' Julian McCleary (National Tour)
@JulianMcCleary: "#SIP Elvis lives in tour votes for Anne tomorrow!!!!"
NEXT TO NORMAL's Will Hutcheson and Company (Phoenix Theatre)
@willhutcheson: "Human Pyramid!! Last #sip with these critters!!! #NexttoNormal @phoenix_theatre #n2ndy @Phoenix Theatre"
ARABIAN NIGHTS' Brandon Kalusa (Regional)
@bkalusa5: "#ArabianNights #SIP @Newsies"
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF's Justin Bott and Company (Stage West)
@jeybott: "Fiddle me this... #sip #fiddler #hashtag #stagewest #broadwaynorth @WagnerJake mcallisa grammycardiff..."
THE FLICK's Bryan Austermann (Playwrights Horizons)
@bryanaustermann: "#SIP This is my face at the intermission of #TheFlick @phnyc @Playwrights Horizons (Mainstage Theater)"
ELVIS LIVES' Julian McCleary and Company (National Tour)
@JulianMcCleary: "#SIP with my fav people! The ensemble of ELVIS LIVES natl tour! @KeenanBlogger @broadwayworld"
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN's Jamie Lindsay and Company (Regional)
@littlemermaid57: "#SIP"
DIARY OF Anne Frank's Eric Solis and Company (Regional High School)
@Space_Man_Doc: "@KeenanBlogger High schoolers can get in on this too, right? #SIP #diaryofannefrank"
GUYS AND DOLLS' Maryah Reavis and Company (Regional)
@Idina_menzelfan: "@Idina_menzelfan: During intermission of our production of #guysanddolls #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
SINGIN' IN THE RAIN's Caleb Haven Draper and Company (Diablo Theatre Company)
@CalebDraper: "#SIP #saturdayintermissionpic Singin' in the Rain, Diablo Theatre Company."