Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to Newsies' Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and EVITA's Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in MARY POPPINS, and Max von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Today's photos feature a slew of photo bombs (Homeland, Django Unchained, The Heiress, Jurassic Park, Downton Abbey and more!) using Newsies' new "Photo Booth" app, THE BOOK OF MORMON's intermission snack, a water break for the ladies of NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT, a "sensible boob shot" from the stars of ROCK OF AGES, a goodbye to Aaron Carter at THE FANTASTICKS off-Broadway, and photos from the West End's TOP HAT, plus SPIDER-MAN, MARY POPPINS, JERSEY BOYS, BUNNICULA, FANCY NANCY, FLASHDANCE, WEST SIDE STORY and many more!Scroll down, stay tuned for updates, and check back tomorrow for more SIPs...
@KeenanBlogger: "Newsies does HOMELAND. Abu Nazir & Albert #SIP #NewsiesPhotoBooth"
The Cast of Newsies
@KeenanBlogger: "Newsies photobombs DJANGO UNCHAINED #SIP #NewsiesPhotoBooth"
The Cast of Newsies
@KeenanBlogger: "Newsies Photobombs THE HEIRESS revival w/Jessica Chastain #SIP #NewsiesPhotoBooth"
NEWSIES' Aaron J. Albano and Company
@aaronjalbano: "Jurassic Newsie. #SIP #newsiesphotobooth"
NEWSIES' Garett Hawe and Company
@GHawe: "@FansiesSayStuff using your pic for my #SIP ! #newsiesphotobooth"
@AMRichardson3: "Albert the Plastic. #SIP #NewsiesPhotoBooth"
NEWSIES' Tommy Bracco
@TommyBracco: "#SIP #newsiesphotobooth Spot the real Spot Newsies"
NEWSIES' Corey Cott
@NapOnACott: "My first solo #SIP #NewsiesPhotoBooth #ThatsALotOfMe Photo cred to @toddganton"
The Cast of Newsies (Fan-Made Pic)
@MyLifeIsRiz: "This week on #Glee the Newsies Tribute Episode @thaynejasperson @aaronjalbano #NewsiesPhotoBooth #SIP"
Cast of Newsies (Fan-Made Pic)
@bryan_courtney: "Newsies do @sleepnomorenyc #sip #NewsiesPhotoBooth @KeenanBlogger"
NEWSIES' Albert (Fan-Made Pic)
@Maggie388: "@GHawe next week Albert get his revenge!"
NEWSIES Tommy Bracco (Fan-Made Pic)
@MyLifeIsRiz: "Spot Colin is trapped in my phone @TommyBracco #NewsiesPhotoBooth #SIP #notcomplaining"
NEWSIES' Kevin Carolan
@MarktheGinger: "#SIP @kevincarolan impersonating a sheep impersonating a goat impersonating a human yelling. @KeenanBlogger"
THE BOOK OF MORMON's Michael James Scott and Company
@FashionistaMJS: "#SIP citrus intermission snackypoo @scottbarnhardt @BrahSears @MaxizPad @KeenanBlogger"
THE BOOK OF MORMON's Matthew Marks and Company
@matthew_marks: "@keenanblogger @BrahSears @GrahamBowen @Schmackarys #SIPCookie crazy!"
NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT's Steph Martignetti and Company
@StephNetti: "@NiceWorkBway #SIP Water Break! (this actually happened organically)"
ROCK OF AGES' Kate Rockwell and Jenn Rias
@KateRockwellNYC: "Rock of ages #SIP of miss Jenn Rias and me...a sensible boob shot on a sensible Saturday. keenanblogger"
SPIDER-MAN's Whitney Sprayberry
@sprayberry: "Its always saturday at @SpideyOnBway! #doubledouble #SIP#bestcastonbroadway @brubendall"
MARY POPPINS' Nicolas Dromard and Company
@nicolasdromard: "Congrats to @MaryPoppins alumni Matt Loehr! Can we be in the show? @broadwayworld @KeenanBlogger #sootofmormon #SIP"
@DRowanJ: "Farewell Aaron! :-D #sprainedankle #hobblingmute #SIP @AARONCARTER @TheFantasticks"
Forbidden Broadway's Natalie Charle Ellis (Off-Broadway)
@Natalieeinnyc: "Just a bunch of wild animals here @ForbiddenBwayNY #SIP"
BUNNICULA's Ashley Campana and Company (Off-Broadway)
@AshCampana: "Getting our read on at #Bunnicula !!! #SIP #offbroadway #theaterrealness @dr2kids gimpnyc"
FANCY NANCY's Amanda Savan and Company (Off-Broadway)
@savanmyluv4U: "Just feeding our luscious locks with Hair Milk by Carol's Daughter #fancynancyoffbroadway #SIP @darilyn_melody"
TOP HAT's Kristen B Williams (West End)
@KBDubsNYC: "#SIP from the West End!! A little protein shake before the big number! @MaxizPad @CameronAdamsNYC @TopHatOnStage"
TOP HAT's Kristen B Williams and Company (West End)
@KBDubsNYC: "West End #SIP @TopHatOnStage Happy to be at the end of the week!! @chelleyandrews @mgm_gillett @MaxizPad"
MARY POPPINS' Maddy Trumble (National Tour)
@madtrum: "Im obsessed with whatever city I get a tv in. #durham #sip"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company
@HollyAnnButler: "Awkward family photo. #SIP #flashdancethemusical"
JERSEY BOYS' John Rochette (National Tour)
@jaycarey212: "Happy trails John Rochette! Off to tour 2! @jaycarey212 @keenanblogger #SIP jersey boys 1st natl"
WEST SIDE STORY's Josh Pins and Company (National Tour)
@JoshPins: "Snowboy and BJ costume exchange at #WestSideStory! @KeenanBlogger @JeffmsmithNYC #SIP"
HIT THE WALL's Eric Hoff and Nathan Lee Graham (NYC)
@ghaney22: "#SIP Eric Hoff directing Nathan Lee Graham @hitthewallnyc tech"
NEWSIES' Jack Scott and Mike Faist
@JackJackScott: "Gonna miss this wiener. #saybubbles #sip @mikefaist"
A DOLL'S HOUSE's Hillary Templeton (Regional)
@HillTempleton: ""No, for the LAST time, we are NOT doing Avenue Q!!!"#ADollsHouse #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
COME FROM AWAY's Michael Rubinoff and Company (Theatre Sheridan)
@mrubinoff: "Go on and kiss the fish! Theatre Sheridan, Come From Away #sip @ Studio Theatre"
THE WATER STATION's Jordan Nickels (Ball State University)
@JDramaNickels: "Tech for The Water Station, with our awesome set and lights #SIP"
THE WATER STATION's Jordan Nickels (Ball State University)
@JDramaNickels: "Another Water Station set picture at Ball State University! #SIP"
The Cast of ANNIE (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP van Annie: Cast krijgt lesje kunstgeschiedenis in pauze van Olivier Warbucks (Raymond Curvers) #sip #sipnl"
OLIVER!'s Adrienne Paquin and Company (Wheelock Family Theatre)
@adriennepaquin: "cast of boston's @WheeNews Oliver! got thirsty during intermission #SIP #therubiosip @broadwayworld @KeenanBlogger"
The Cast of HIJ GELOOFT IN MIJ (The Netherlands)
@KokHwaLie: "RT @SIPNL #SIP van Bonbonfabriek/Hij Gelooft in Mij: Mamma Mia Holland Reunion! #sipnl @jonvaneerd"
REVUE MEISJES' Marcella Wisbrun (The Netherlands)
@MarcellaWisbrun: "#SIP from NU NA DE REVUE: revue meisjes gaan dit weekend solo. liefs, #Prima, #BroadwayBaby & #DeJoodseVrouw"
The Cast of Josephine Baker (The Netherlands)
@KokHwaLie: "SIP van Josephine Baker: The Josephine Baker boys. ;-) #sip #sipnl"
Cast of HIJ GELOOFT IN MIJ (The Netherlands)
SIPNL @SIPNL: "SIP van Hij Gelooft in Mij: op bezoek bij de buren van de Bonbonfabriek!! #sip #sipnl #hijgelooftinmij"
Jefferson Farber and Company (Signature Theatre)
@JeffersonFarber: "@sigtheatre @JoeCalarcoNYC #SIP #sigRandJ @axcm89"