Photo Flash: Saturday Intermission Pics - Dec. 14 - Part 2 - Final SIP from Re-Imagined SIDE SHOW at La Jolla Playhouse; Plus CINDERELLA, BEAUTIFUL & More!
BroadwayWorld collected as many of yesterday's evening Saturday Intermission Pics as we could to bring you Part 2 of our December 14th SIP round-up! Check out part one HERE.
Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in Mary Poppins, and von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Yesterday's shots include the final SIP from the re-imagined production of SIDE SHOW, which closes at La Jolla Playhouse today before heading to the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. for a limited engagement in the spring. Plus, check out photos from Broadway's CINDERELLA and BEAUTIFUL, the national tours of WHITE CHRISTMAS and EVITA, and a slew of regional productions!
Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for Part 2!
SIDE SHOW's Lauren Elder, Hannah Shankman, Keala Settle & Company (La Jolla Playhouse)
‏@LalabirdLauren: "One last #SIP with a little extra! #SideShow @ljplayhouse @broadwayworld"CINDERELLA's Stephanie Gibson & Company (Broadway) ‏
@StephGib1: "A Cinderella first! 3 page boys! #SIP @kendalhartse ktuck22 @cinderellabway"
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes & Company (Broadway)
@LauraOsnes: "ROCKSTAR swing ktuck22 saves the day as PageBoy #3! @cinderellabway #sip @santinofontana @stephgib1"
BEAUTIFUL's Rebecca LaChance & Company (Broadway)
‏@RebeccaLaChance: "#SNOB #SIP #smocks #sexy @beautifulonbway (photo by saraeking)"WHITE CHRISTMAS' Meredith Patterson & Company (National Tour)
@MerPatterson: "Reese's is how we Haynes girls get through Act II! #SIP #WhiteChristmasTour"
EVITA's Holly Butler & Company (National Tour) ‏
@HollyAnnButler: "Happy holidays! (We're in California. This is as close to snow as we get.) #sip #evita #rainbowtour"
A CHRISTMAS CAROL's Michael Grey & Company (Hartford Stage)
‏@MichaelCGrey: "@KeenanBlogger introducing the newest ghost to the ensemble: Bart, death by neglect @HartfordStage #XmasCarol #SIP"
WHITE CHRISTMAS' Will Johnson (Crown Uptown) ‏
@ictwill: "I'm dreaming of a White Mocha. #sip #WhiteChristmas #CrownUptown"
THE SOUND OF MUSIC's Bryn-Ellyn Frazer & Company (RCT)
@bryn_ellyn: "This is what intermission looks like. #sip #rctsoundofmusic #soundofmusicrct"
SEUSSICAL's Rachel Frangie (Regional)
@rfrang77: "Hunch flashlights no matter the character. #SIP #Seussical @broadwayworld @Asap_Niy"
SCROOGE, THE MUSICAL's Erin Martinez & Company (Weekend Theater) ‏
@emphoto2003: "Making ourselves merry at Scrooge, The Musical! "Three ghosts, three humbugs!" #SIP #Scrooge @WeekendTheater"
CAMELOT's Brittney Morello & Company (New Rep)
‏@BrittneyMorello: "Welcome to Camelot! #sip @broadwayworld @newrep"
@LookOutBroadway: "#SIP BCCT's "Be Good For Goodness Sake"
THE LITTLE MERMAID's Julius Sermonia & Company (Regional)
‏@JuliusSermonia: "Ogopogo and his eels - official family portrait lol #SIP #littlemermaid @rosspettypro @broadwayworld"
ANOTHER NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS' Rick McVey & Hannah Ingram (Barter Theatre)
@RickMcVey: "#sip #bartertheatre @RickMcVey & Hannah Ingram (@HannahIng) O Cwistmas tweet, O Cwistmas tweet. Another Night... "
A CHRISTMAS CAROL's Stephen Cerf (Arvada Center) ‏
@Cerfsup: "Nephew Fred Presley #sip #arvadacenter #achristmascarol"
FIVE LESBIANS EATING A QUICHE's Becca Anderson & Comany (What If? Productions)
‏@nutslackey: "God bless the egg! #sip What if? Productions - Five Lesbians Eating A Quiche!"