Yesterday evening's photos featured Tom Hanks' first two SIPs for Lucky Guy, a bunch of fun pics from MATILDA, more from THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL, FLASHDANCE celebrating 100 performances, plus images from CINDERELLA, KINKY BOOTS, PIPPIN, JERSEY BOYS, WICKED and lots of regional shows.
Check out part one HERE, and scroll down for the latest additions...
LUCKY GUY's Tom Hanks
@ddlovejoy: "@luckyguyplay #SIP "look, comes Act II!!"
LUCKY GUY's Rick Caroto, Tom Hanks and Sandy Binion
@RickCaroto: "@LuckyGuyPlay #SIP #teamhanks : spot the real @tomhanks with @RickCaroto (hair) and Sandy Binion (dresser)"
THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL's Vanessa Williams and Company
@VWOfficial: "@bountifulbway Saturday intermission #SIP directfromdavid & Jessie Mae calming her nerves!"
CINDERELLA's Laura Osnes
@LauraOsnes: "Pageboys and #Buttercup. @kendalhartse @StephGib1 #SIP @CinderellaBway"
MATILDA's Samantha Sturm and Company
@SamanthaSturm: "As visions of opening night sequins danced in our heads.... #SIP @QueenLesli @Be_Strux @MatildaBroadway"
MATILDA's Lesli Margherita
@QueenLesli: "(Sings) "So happy togetheeeerr" #BFFs4life #jumpsplits #SIP #didimentionjumpsplits @MatildaBroadway"
MATILDA's Betsy Struxness
@Be_Strux: "Thanks for the Scmackary's @Pinderella83! Didn't even bother taking off Cook's make-up before diving in. #SIP"
MATILDA's Phillip Spaeth and Company
@phillipspaeth: "Passed out, post-Loud #SIP @QueenLesli @phillipspaeth"
KINKY BOOTS' Ellyn Marsh and Company
@ellynmarsh: "We have a mouse. Eeeeeerrr mice. Whatever, it's gross. #sip #wimps @KinkyBootsBway"
PIPPIN's Anthony Wayne and Company
@awayne1: "The Biggest Cocks on Broadway! #BROADWAYCHICKS #SIP @awayne1 @broadwayworld @pippinmusical"
FLASHDANCE's Holly Butler and Company
@HollyAnnButler: "100 shows! #SIP #busteddancers #flashdancethemusical"
JERSEY BOYS' Sergio Trujillo and Company (First National Tour)
@jaycarey212: "Sergio Trujillo visits JB 1st National! @jaycarey212 @KeenanBlogger #sip
WICKED's Brandon Rubendall (National Tour)
@brubendall: "...And I miss NYC. #SIP"
ELVIS LIVES' Julian McCleary and Company (National Tour)
@JulianMcCleary: "#SIP unicorns take over "Elvis Lives" tour @ Proctors theatre in NY! Callie, Milo, Dasiy and Julian! @broadwayworld"
THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK MUSICAL's Charlotte Fox and Company (Regional)
@foxc123: "Storm's a Brewin' here at The Great American Trailer Park Musical! #SIP #2showday @kwb19..."
Tyler Patrick and Company (Regional)
@TylerPatrickk: "Yesterday's #SIP that never uploaded.. I love my best friend @BeccaMartin2!"
A NEW BRAIN's Aaron Ray and Company (Regional)
@Aaron_Ray_: "A New Brain's last #SIP happy closing! russelah petermill"
Cast of THE WIZARD OF OZ (Regional)
@Derpstina: "What we want from the wizard #sip"
Melanie Comeau and Company (Regional)
@MelanieJeanne: "#SIP #crescendo #wheredatlegcomefromdoe"
Mariah Barley and Company (Regional)
@mariah_barley: "Take 3 #SIP @nelson_isabella"
Cast of 1.5 SPOT (Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney)
@steven_omara: "Nib being all domestic backstage in "1.5 Spot" at Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney Australia #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
Cast of 1.5 SPOT (Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney)
@steven_omara: "Adelaide & Henry dancing oddly in "1.5 Spot" at Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney Australia #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
Cast of 1.5 SPOT (Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney)
steven @steven_omara: "Cast of oddities, ASSEMBLE! "1.5 Spot" at Lighthouse Theatre, Sydney Australia #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad"
ANYTHING GOES' Chandis Aker and Company (Charleston)
@jerrad_a: "Move over Reno! Moonface and his boys are feeling in! keenanblogger #SIP #anythinggoes..."
GUYS AND DOLLS' Lynn Glener (SUNY Potsdam)
@LynnGlener: "This Havana dancer is pooped! "Guys and Dolls" w/ @SUNYPotsdamMTO #SIP @KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad @broadwayworld"
Lindsey Moran and Company (Regional)
@notbl0nde: "#sip #saturdayintermissionpic"
GUYS AND DOLLS' Anthony Sullivan Jr and Company (Regional)
@nthonysullivan: "@KeenanBlogger #Guys&Dolls #SIP #PantslessFightCall"
Vincent Teschel and Company (Crown Uptown)
@VincentTeschel: "#SIP #crownuptown #agyg The cowboys, wrestlers, tumblers, and clowns"
THE PAJAMA GAME's Zack Russell and Company (Missouri State)
@zackrussell64: "The Pajama Game at Missouri State! #SIP @andrewjgor @kylejobrien #TwitterlessLaurel"
HELLO, DOLLY!'s Preston Taylor (Regional)
@PrestonTay: "Guys. I'm Matthew Crowley. #SIP #hellodolly @maxizpad keenanblogger"
Steven Griffin and Company (Nashville)
@stevengriffin12: "Get that thing away from me old lady!!! #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
Steven Griffin and Company (Nashville)
@stevengriffin12: "Am I @RySteele yet?! #SIP"
Steven Griffin and Company (Nashville)
@stevengriffin12: "Gettin it #SIP keenanblogger"
Steven Griffin and Company (Nashville)
@stevengriffin12: "My amazing cast mates and me at intermission!! #SIP @KeenanBlogger"
FUNNY GIRL's Alyson Leonard and Company (Regional)
@alyson_leonard: "@KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad Always laughing for this hilarious show! #SIP #FunnyGirl"
A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER's Kendal Sparks (The Old Globe, San Diego)
@KendalSparks: "Final four #SIP. Thank God for smartphones. #goblue #gentlemansguidetoloveandmurder @TheOldGlobe @broadwayworld"
COMPANY's Julia Black (Regional)
@JNBlack: "I WANT. #SIP #backstage #rhinestones #sondheim #company"