It's Saturday, and that means it's time for BroadwayWorld's "Saturday Intermission Pics" roundup!
Do you ever wonder what your favorite Broadway, Off-Broadway, National Tour and regional stars are doing during intermission? Thanks to Andrew Keenan-Bolger (@KeenanBlogger) and Max von Essen (@MaxizPad), dedicated performers and excited fans, now you can see for yourself. Three years ago, Keenan-Bolger, then in Mary Poppins, and von Essen, then in Xanadu, started the trend.
Today's photos come from the casts of ROCKY, KINKY BOOTS, AVENUE Q, ACT ONE, BULLETS OVER BROADWAY, THE FANTASTICKS, MAMMA MIA!, MATILDA, AFTER MIDNIGHT, HEATHERS and more!Scroll down, stay tuned for updates, and check back tomorrow for even more SIPs!
ROCKY's James Brown III and Company
@JamesGeorgeIII: "#sip Happy Closing weekend to @BridgesMusical @Hunter_Foster @DerekKlena bridges from @RockyBroadway @AdamMPerry
ROCKY's Jenny Lee Stern
@jennyleestern: "The key to a ROCKY BEACH BODY. #sip #broadwaysecrets #realcheese rockyonbroadway @RockyBroadway"
ROCKY's Jennifer Mudge and Company
@JenniferMudge: "Special edition #SIP @RockyBroadway #lovewins #justmarried to @chriscoffey1 #balloonrelease in dressing room 8!"
LES MISERABLES' Andrew Kober and Company
@andrewkober: "@lesmizbway's love letter to @bridgesbroadway in 6 seconds or less. We love you guys and your show. #sip"
KINKY BOOTS' John Jeffrey Martin and Company
@threenamejohnny: "#sip #kinkybootsbway new jerseys same old kinky style!! #broadwayshowleague #kinkybats #kinkybootsbat"
AVENUE Q's Darren Bluestone and Company (Off Broadway)
@DarrenBluestone: "Pissed about @bridgesbroadway closing. Chris Christy's probably behind this one too #sip @mikeyliscio..."
ACT ONE's Matthew Schechter and Tony Shalhoub
@MattSchechter: "Intermission for Act One @LCTheater Having a lot of fun! Serious Saturday intermission pic with Tony Shalhoub."
NEWSIES' Vanessa Brown and Zachary Unger
@heynessie: "@MattSchechter: @zach_elijah and I can be serious too. #sip"
BULLETS OVER BROADWAY's Marin Mazzie and Company
@BulletsBabes: "#sip Don't speak SCREAM for @marinmazzi Outer Critic Circle WIN! #broadway @bulletsoverbway"
THE FANTASTICKS' Jim Schubin and Company (Off Broadway)
@JimSchubin: "Busting out the Spring Wardrobe here @TheFantasticks! #SIP #May #TrytoRemember @MichaelNostrand @PierceCravens"
MAMMA MIA!'s Jon Jorgenson and Company
@jonjorgenson: "Anyone for an afternoon on the terrace(fire escape)? @pauldeboy #sip #mammamia"
@CarmenRubyFloyd: "Lovely day for Leontyne Realness! #leontyneprice #opera #classical #diva #sip @aftermidnightny"
MATILDA's Betsy Struxness
@Be_Strux: "Gemma borrowed Cook's glasses to read #aldoushuxley #bravenewworld @matildabroadway #sip"
@DuleHill: "#SadFace RT @VWOfficial: #sip Miss you, too @dulehill @aftermidnightny"
HEATHERS' Elle McLemore (Off Broadway)
@Jon_Eidson: "ellemclemore aka Heather Portman #SIP @heathersmusical"
THE LION KING's Steven Taylor
@lsteventaylor: "My current situation... #LongHairDontCare #steameron #throatspray #8showsaweek #SIP #theshowmustgoon #gladiator"
WEST SIDE STORY's Sam Rohloff and Company (National Tour)
@gellpenz: "Saturday Intermission Pic #SIP in #Detroit #Fisher tank top day! "Here come the #jets" #wsstour..."
WICKED's Gina Beck (National Tour)
@Gina_Beck: "#sip and so soon into the four show weekend..."
50 SHADES! THE MUSICAL (Off Broadway)
@Musical50Shades: "Today the @Musical50Shades book club reads the original naughty novel in honor of @bridgesbroadway! #SIP"
THE ADDAMS FAMILY's Steven Mooney (National Tour)
@ManontheSmoonz: "@broadwayworld #sip #bookofcaveman #rockofstoneages #nakedcavemensinging #neanderthalsguide #kinkytoga #cavealot"
THE SOUND OF MUSIC's Whitney Van Vleet (Regional)
@whitneyvanvleet: "Can this be a pretend #sip? #thesoundofmusic #sip #slip"
Paul Taylor Dance Company at the Auditorium Theatre (Chicago)
@AuditoriumChgo: "backstage at #theaud our amazing crew set up all yesterday. My dressing room before/after unpacking makeup case #SIP"
Paul Taylor Dance Company at Auditorium Theatre (Chicago)
@AuditoriumChgo: "Happened to be walking across stage when lighting supervisor had final cue for BLACK TUESDAY up so I tested it! #SIP"
Paul Taylor Dance Company at Auditorium Theatre (Chicago)
@AuditoriumChgo: "15 min to rehearsal onstage. #SIP #paultaylordancecompany"
Paul Taylor Dance Company at the Auditorium Theatre (Chicago)
@ciscograciano: "Rob taping his feet backstage. #theaud #auditoriumtheater #paultaylordancecompany #sip"
Winter Park Playhouse (Regional)
@WPPlayhouse: "#SIP @kopp_heather FORBIDDEN BROADWAY'S GREATEST HITS #OnMyPhone #Selfie #YesSheTookThisDuringTheShow"
BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON's Brendan J. Bartlett and Company (Teaneck New Theatre, NJ)
@BJB_OOC: "@KeenanBlogger @MaxizPad #sip Teaneck New Theatre. Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson"
@BJB_OOC: "#sip Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. Teaneck New Theatre. Hackensack NJ"
LEGALLY BLONDE's KB and Company (Drayton Theatre)
@KBurthwright 2h: "@drayton_theatre @ElleWoodsDE @KeenanBlogger #sip #legallyblonde @NickNesbitt @KBurthwright #performerpitattack"
Brianne O'Leary and Company (Regional)
@floydlumpkin: "#SIP"
Brianne O'Leary (Regional)
@floydlumpkin: "#SIP selfie edition"
Katie Ladner and Company (Regional)
@Ktladner: "#SIP Martha loves her pocket Veronica :) @BarrettWeed"
HIJ GELOOFT IN MIJ (The Netherlands)
@SIPNL: "SIP Hij Gelooft in Mij: Wij genieten ook van het prachtige weer.......#sip #sipnl"
MARY POPPINS' Julius Sermonia and Company (National Tour)
@JuliusSermonia: ""A little light reading" Six men, one stall. #ensemblelife #SIP @marccardarelli #CharlesDouglas #neptunepoppins"
THE WIZARD OF OZ's Jerrad Chandis Aker and Company (Hampstead Stage Co)
@jerrad_a : "Until next time, dear friends. #SIP #HampsteadStageCo #WizardofOz"
ENTWINED's Jessica M. Martin and Company (Busch Gardens)
@JESSMMARTINN: "Sensible #SIP from the cast of Entwined at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. Celebrating 100 shows!!"