Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival, produced by the Merry-Go-Round Playhouse in Auburn, N.Y., is a new annual summer-long festival featuring nine professional musical productions along with 20 new musicals, presented in their earliest stages of development, in a series known as "The PiTCH." The festival offers productions at three different venues just minutes away from each other. As the festival continues to grow in the upcoming years, organizers anticipate the festival to annually draw 150,000 attendees, generate a $30 million boost to the local economy and help create 400 new jobs. For more information on the festival or to purchase tickets, visit Find Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival on Facebook or follow FingerLakesMTF on Twitter.
Photo credit: Merry-Go-Round Playhouse and Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival
Katie Quigley, Rudolph Searles III and Brittany Kiernan; Sebastiani Romagnolo, Joanna Krupnick, Greg Carter, Lisa Helmi Johanson and Scott Guthrie; Bruce Warren, Sara Bareilles, Geoffrey Kidwell and Lorinne Lampert