GHOST star Richard Fleeshman visited CBS' The Talk earlier today. While he was there, he gave away tickets and CDs to the studio audience and even spent some time with Sharon on the pottery wheel. Check out photos from his apperance below!
Set in modern day New York City, Ghost The Musical is a timeless fantasy about the power of love. Walking back to their apartment one night, Sam and Molly are mugged, leaving Sam murdered on a dark street. Sam is trapped as a ghost between this world and the next and unable to leave Molly, who he learns is in grave danger. With the help of a phony storefront psychic, Oda Mae Brown, Sam tries to communicate with Molly in the hope of saving and protecting her.
Photo Credit: John P. Filo
Richard Fleeshman, Sharon Osbourne
Richard Fleeshman, Sharon Osbourne
Julie Chen, Richard Fleeshman, Sharon Osbourne