LOST ANGELS, produced by The Actor's Playground as part of the 2017 Planet Connections Theatre Festivity at the Clemente, 107 Suffolk Street, NYC, continues June 21 at 9:00 PM; June 25 at Noon; July 2 at 7:00 PM; and July 7 at 4:30 PM. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
During a lock down, a dozen high school students are stranded in a classroom with no teacher... only texts and the PA system to let them know what's happening. This hi-octane showing, reminiscent of Rod Sterling's The Shelter (from The Twilight Zone), is a parable about how confinement reveals prejudice, unveils secrets, and ultimately displays similarities - for better or worse.
Ralph Colombino's riveting drama shines a powerful light on bullying, violence, racism, sexism, drug/alcohol abuse, depression, and suicide.
Photo Credit: Ralph Colombino
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections
The cast of LOST ANGELS at Planet Connections