Produced and Directed by Dan Cowtan, PARADE was staged at the Frogmore Papermill in Apsley, Hertfordshire from the 7th - 16th September, as the first professional production to help restore the life and use of the mill. Audiences moved throughout the building during the performances creating both an immersive and interactive experience of this emotional story.
Check out photos from the show below!
PARADE tells the heart wrenching true story of Leo Frank, a Brooklyn-born Jew living in Atlanta, Georgia. Frank was accused of the murder of his 13-year-old employee Mary Phagan in 1913. Already guilty in the eyes of everyone around him, a sensationalist publisher and a janitor's questionable testimony along with a litany of false testimonies, clearly lacking any clear, real evidence seals Leo's fate. His only defenders are a Governor with a conscience, and, eventually, his Southern wife who finds the strength and love to become his greatest champion.
Photo Credit: Jamie Scott
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE
Cast of PARADE