The Light, written by Loy A. Webb, has released some hot shots of the show's stars, Mandi Masden and McKinley Belcher III, and the playwright as well. The show opened at The Robert W. Wilson MCC Theater Space earlier this month and runs through March 17.
Not every marriage proposal goes as planned. Loy A. Webb's The Light introduces us to Rashad and Genesis on what should be one of the happiest days of their lives, but their joy quickly unravels when ground-shifting accusations from the past resurface in this gripping two character drama. Can their relationship survive the growing divide between them over who- and what - to believe? Directed by Logan Vaughn, The Light is a reckoning that unfolds in real-time and peels away the layers of truth, doubt, pain, and ultimately the power of love.
Check out these stunning portraits, shot at The Robert W. Wilson MCC Theater Space, below!
Photo Credit: Curtis Brown
Mandi Masden and McKinley Belcher III
McKinley Belcher III
Mandi Masden and McKinley Belcher III
Mandi Masden and McKinley Belcher III