?The League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW) hosted the Inaugural Mixer for the New England Regional Chapter on Monday, September 22nd at 6:30pm ?in the upstairs lobby of the Calderwood Pavillion, at the Boston Center for the Arts. The free mixer was a lovely time to mingle with local theatre women, over wine and cheese, and learn about LPTW, followed by a 50% discount to to the world premiere of The Forgetting Curve, a new play by Vanda, directed by Kimberly Loren Eaton, presented by Bridge Rep of Boston and Theatrum Mundi Productions.
The National Committee of the League of Professional Theatre Women has begun work to start chapters of the League in cities around the country, and internationally.
?This outreach will further LPTW's initiatives of helping increase visibility and opportunities for women in the field.?
The League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW) is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. It presents numerous events each year as part of its mission to promote visibility and increase opportunities for women in the field. None of its work is possible without generous philanthropic support. The League is celebrating its 31st anniversary and boasts a membership of nearly 500 women representing a diversity of theatre professionals in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. League members are actors, administrators, agents, arrangers, casting directors, choreographers, company managers, composers, critics, designers, directors, dramaturgs, dramatists, educators, general managers, historians, journalists, librettists, lyricists, press agents, playwrights, producers, stage managers, and theatre technicians. www.theatrewomen.org
Kimberly Loren Eaton, Ilana Brownstein
Amy Spaletta, Elizabeth Searle