Kim Cattrall stars alongside acclaimed Broadway actor Seth Numrich in Tennessee Williams' powerful and poetic play, Sweet Bird Of Youth, directed by Olivier Award-winner Marianne Elliott. The show just opened and you can check out photos from the festivities below!
Fading Hollywood legend Alexandra Del Lago (Cattrall) flees the disastrous premiere of her comeback film. Travelling incognito, she seeks refuge in drink, drugs and the arms of Chance Wayne (Numrich), an idealistic young dreamer turned gigolo. A trip to Chance's hometown in a bid to win back his childhood sweetheart sees their relationship of convenience unravel in Tennessee Williams' vivid and haunting portrait of the destruction of dreams.
Photo Credit: Dan Wooller/Rex
Louise Dylan
Seth Numrich (Chance Wayne), Marianne Elliott (Director), Kim Cattrall (Alexandra Del Lago), James Graham (Adaptation) and Kevin Spacey (Artistic Director)
Seth Numrich (Chance Wayne), Marianne Elliott (Director), Kim Cattrall (Alexandra Del Lago) and Kevin Spacey (Artistic Director)
Seth Numrich (Chance Wayne), Marianne Elliott (Director) and Kim Cattrall (Alexandra Del Lago)
Seth Numrich (Chance Wayne) and Kim Cattrall (Alexandra Del Lago)
Kim Cattrall (Alexandra Del Lago) and Kevin Spacey (Artistic Director)