Pasadena Playhouse presents The Father, written by Florian Zeller, translated by Christopher Hampton and directed by Jessica Kubzansky, now through March 1, 2020. The production stars Alfred Molina (Frieda, An Education, Enchanted April) in a tour-de-force role in perhaps one of the most awarded plays of recent times on two continents - winning the 2014 Molière Award, and nominations for the Evening Standard Theatre Award, Olivier Award for Best New Play, and Tony Award for Best Play.
Check out photos from opening night below!
Molina is joined by Sue Cremin (Neva at Kirk Douglas Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse, SCR) as "Anne;" Michael Manuel (Buried Child at A Noise Within) as "Pierre;" Pia Shah (Orange at SCR) as "Laura;" Robert Mammana (Casa Valentina at Pasadena Playhouse) as "Man;" and Lisa Renee Pitts (Sweat on Broadway) as "Woman."
André was once a tap dancer. He lives with his daughter, Anne, and her husband, Antoine. Or was André an engineer, whose daughter Anne lives in London with her new lover, Pierre? The thing is, he is still wearing his pajamas, and he can't find his watch. He is starting to wonder if he's losing control.
Tickets for The Father start at $25 and are available at by phone at 626-356-7529, and at the box office at 39 South El Molino Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Photo Credit: Nick Agro
Dan Lauria, Wendie Malick, Alfred Molina, Frances Fisher
Wendie Malick and Alfred Molina
John C. Reilly
Harry Groener and Dawn Didiwick
Christine Lin and Justin Chien
Cast and company
Alejandro De Hoyas