Rehearsals began yesterday, May 8, for the LCT3 production of Pass Over by Antoinette Nwandu, directed by Danya Taymor. The show features Gabriel Ebert, Jon Michael Hill and Namir Smallwood. Get a first look at the cast and creatives in action below!
In Pass Over, Moses and Kitch stand around on the corner - talking smack, passing the time, and hoping that today a miracle will come. A provocative mashup of Waiting for Godot and the Exodus saga, Pass Over exposes the unquestionable human spirit of young black men who dream about a promised land they've yet to find.
Photo Credit: Chasi Annexy
Playwright Antoinette Nwandu and director Danya Taymor
Actors Namir Smallwood, Jon Michael Hill, and Gabriel Ebert
Playwright Antoinette Nwandu and director Danya Taymor
Namir Smallwood (Jon Michael Hill in foreground)