The show has garnered great interest as many European producers were there on opening night with Frank Wildhorn, Christopher Hampton and Don Black.
Frank infront of the European Dracula billboard
Dracula Cast: from left to right: Jesper Tydén (Jonathan Harker), Thomas Bochert (Dracula),
Frank Wildhorn, Caroline Vasicek (Lucy), Drew Sarich (alt. Dracula)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (largest nationwide newspaper):
"Such music can only come from Frank Wildhorn!"
"For one evening, St. Gallen is allowed to feel like a musical theatre 'Mecca'!"
St. Galler Tagesblatt:
"Enthusiastic responses for the German Language Premiere of Frank Wildhorn's 'DRACULA…'"
"The music (under the baton of Koen Schoots) blooms broader and sweeter than ever before!"
"No one can escape the penetrating quality of this music…little wonder Frank Wildhorn has composed for the likes of Whitney Houston!"
Der Landbote:
"Frank Wildhorn's music is unbelievably subtle. Centered around reflective balladry, it dodges the Horror Movie Cliches by simply concentrating on the dramatic rhythm of the piece. This way, the figures are not just dramatically intense, but also musically engaging".