Directed by Luke Sheppard (In The Heights) the cast of Working includes Gillian Bevan (Teachers, Holby City), Dean Chisnall (Shrek, Blood Brothers), Krysten Cummings (Rent), Siubhan Harrison (Guys and Dolls), Peter Polycarpou (City of Angels, Miss Saigon, Oklahoma) and Liam Tamne (Rocky Horror, Les Miserables,The Phantom of the Opera). Completing the cast are rising stars Patrick Coulter, Nicola Espallardo, Izuka Hoyle, Luke Latchman, Huon Mackley and Kerri Norville, who are all making their professional debut. Check out a first look at the cast in action below!
WORKING is based on 1985 Pulitzer Prize-winner Studs Terkel's best-selling book of interviews with the American workforce: Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do. The show follows the day-to-day lives of the American workforce, who are often overlooked - the schoolteacher, the housewife, the fireman and the waitress to name a few, and has musical contributions from several composers, including five-time Grammy Award-winner James Taylor and Pulitzer Prize-winner Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton, In The Heights).
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Photo Credit: Robert Workman