The Drama League presents DirectorFest 2014: The 31st Annual One-Act Festival, an evening of four short plays staged by the Drama League Directors Project Fall Directing Fellows Elena Heyman, Michael Leibenluft, Michael Osinski, and Caitlin Sullivan.
The four new 0ne-act plays in this year's festival are all by women playwrights: He Ate the Sun by Sheila Callaghan, May 39th by Callie Kimball,Mechanics of Love by Dipika Guha, and I'll Never Love Again! by Clare Barron, the recent recipient of the 2014 Paula Vogel Playwriting Award. The acting company includes David Barlow, Kate Benson, Ben Chase, Robert David Grant, Miriam Hyman, Alex Kramer, Erik Lochtefeld, Zoey Martinson, Nana Mensah, Ronald Peet, Michael Place, Auden Thornton and Vanessa Wasche. Now in performance through December 16, 2013 at TBG Theatre(312 West 36th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenues).
Photos by Richard Termine
Kate Benson, Nana Mensah, David Barlow, and Ronald Alexander Peet in 'Ill Never Love Again,' by Clare Baron, directed by Michael Leibenluft
Robert Alexander Peet, Kate Benson, Nina Mensah, and David Barlow in 'I'll Never Love Again,' by Clare Baron directed by Michael Leibenluft
Alex Kramer, Zoey Martinson, and Erik Lochtefeld in 'He Ate the Sun', by Sheila Callaghan, directed by Michael Orsinski
Zoey Martinson, Alex Kramer, and Erik Lochtefeld in 'He Ate the Sun', by Sheila Callaghan, directed by Michael Orsinski
Ben Chase and Vanessa Wasche in 'May 39th,' by Callie Kimball, directed by Elena Heyman
Vanessa Wasche and Ben Chase in 'May 39th,' by Callie Kimball, directed by Elena Heyman
Auden Thornton in 'Mechanics of Love, Part One,' by Dipika Guha, directed by Caitlin Sullivan
Miriam A. Hyman (front) with Auden Thornton, Robert David Grant and Michael Place in 'Mechanics of Love, Part One,' by Dipika Guha, directed by Caitlin Sullivan