Bucks County Playhouse is currently presenting Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show as The Playhouse's Fall production, featuring direction by Tony Award nominee Hunter Foster and choreography by Lorin Latarro. The Rocky Horror Show continues through November 2nd, with special late night showings remaining on October 30, 31 and November 2, beginning at 11:30 p.m. Below, check out a first look at Lauren Molina, Kevin Cahoon, Nick Cearley, Nick Adams and more on stage!
The Rocky Horror Show, with book, music, and lyrics by Richard O'Brien, is a musical that inspired the 1975 classic cult film, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It follows innocent couple Brad and Janet as they seek shelter at a mysterious old castle on a dark and stormy night, where they encounter transvestite Dr. Frank N Furter, his "perfect" creation Rocky, and an assortment of other crazy creatures.
The Rocky Horror Show will play the following schedule: October 23rd at 7:30 p.m.; October 24th at 7:30 p.m.; October 25th at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m.; October 26that 7:30 and 11:30 p.m.; October 27th at 3:00 p.m.; October 29th at 7:30 p.m.; October 30th at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m.; October 31st at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m.; November 1stat 7:30 p.m.; and November 2nd at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m.
The Rocky Horror Show is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC. Tickets are $35, with $25 student tickets (must show valid full-time Student ID) and $49 premium "Time Warp Seats". Time Warp seats give Rocky Horror Showfans the ultimate experience, including front orchestra seating, a BCP prop bag and an invitation to come up on stage and dance the Time Warp with the cast.
Halloween Premium Tickets (October 31st) are $45, with $25 student tickets and $59 Time Warp Seats.
To purchase tickets and for more information on The Playhouse visit bcptheater.org, call 215-862-2121 or visit the box office at 70 South Main Street New Hope, PA (7 Days noon-5).
Photos Courtesy of Bucks County Playhouse
Lauren Molina, Kevin Cahoon, Nick Cearley
Jeremy Kushnier, Jennifer Cody, Alyssa DiPalma