David Goodman, brother of civil rights activist Andrew Goodman, recently took in Broadway's All the Way with Bryan Cranston, and stopped backstage to chat with the actor, and playwright Robert Schenkkan. In 1964, the killing of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in Philadelphia, Mississippi, made headlines - making them some of the most important activitists in the Civil Rights Movement. Their story is included in the Broadway play, opening March 6, 2014 at the Neil Simon Theatre.
All the Way stars Cranston (President Lyndon B. Johnson), Eric Lenox Abrams (Bob Moses),Betsy Aidem (Lady Bird Johnson), J. Bernard Calloway (Ralph Abernathy), Rob Campbell (GovernorGeorge Wallace), Brandon J. Dirden (Martin Luther King, Jr.), James Eckhouse (Robert McNamara),Peter Jay Fernandez (Roy Wilkins), Christopher Gurr (Senator Strom Thurmond), William JacksonHarper (Stokely Carmichael), Michael McKean (J. Edgar Hoover), John McMartin (Senator Richard Russell), Christopher Liam Moore (Walter Jenkins), Robert Petkoff (Senator Hubert Humphrey), Ethan Phillips(Stanley Levison), Richard Poe (Senator Everett Dirksen), Roslyn Ruff (Coretta Scott King), Susannah Schulman(Lurleen Wallace), Bill Timoney (Senator Karl Mundt) and Steve Vinovich (Rep. Emanuel Celler).
Photo by Sarah Perlin
David Goodman, Bryan Cranston, Robert Schenkkan