New York City's actors, dancers, producers, cameramen recently took to Times Square to promote the upcoming Entertainment Industry Expo, which will be held on June 3rd, from 10 AM to 6 PM, at the Westin Hotel (270 W. 43rd St.). A 2(x)ist Networking Cocktail Reception will follow the Expo from 7 to 9 PM. Attendance is free.
According to press notes, "The Entertainment Industry Expo ("EIE") is the ultimate networking opportunity for anyone in or affiliated with the entertainment industry. EIE offers businesses access to over 13,000 potential new clients (combined via online marketing and at EIE) and gives the EIE attendees a chance at possibly landing that next gig and also learn about new products and services to advance their career in the entertainment industry."
"EIE simultaneously offers actual casting calls, model and talent searches, and industry workshops/seminars with a trade expo. EIE provides an outlet for professionals to network with each other and discover new products and services that are available to advance their career in the entertainment industry. Attendees of EIE include a wide-range of goal-oriented and enthusiastic professionals ranging from actors to directors, writers, singers, musicians, producers, film makers, designers, dancers, production staff, stage crew, publicists, and everyone in between."Photos by Lilly Charles
Entertainment Industry Expo Producers Brian Blattman, Anna Wilding and Zach Lezberg (center) surrounded by NY's entertainment community
Entertainment Industry Expo Producers Brian Blattman, Anna Wilding and Zach Lezberg
New York City's actors, dancers, producers, and cameramen take to Times Square promoting the upcoming Entertainment Industry Expo