Of Thee I Sing, the uproarious 1931 satire of love and politics, stars Victor Garber
as John P. Wintergreen, the National Party's candidate for President of
the United States. Directed by John Rando, with music direction by Paul Gemignani, Of Thee I Sing will play for six performances, from May 11 - 15. Monday, May 15 is a special gala performance for New York City Center.Of Thee I Sing, with
music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin, and book by George S.
Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind, opened on Broadway in 1931, and was the
first Broadway musical to win a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The play
opens in an election year, as the National Party campaigns for their
presidential nominee, John P. Wintergreen, running on a platform based
on love. The score includes "Love is Sweeping the Country," "Who
Cares," and the title song.The cast also includes Jefferson Mays as the highly forgettable Vice President Throttlebottom, Jennifer Laura Thompson as the muffin-baking Mary Turner, Jonathan Freeman as Senator Lyons, Erick Devine as Senator Jones, Michael Mulheren as Fulton, Jenny Powers as Diana Deveraux, Lewis J. Stadlen as Lippman, David Pittu as the French Ambassador, Wayne Duvall as Gilhoohey, and Jeffry Denman as Sam Jenkins.
Visit www.nycitycenter.org for tickets and more information.Photos by Joan Marcus