Elaine Paige, known as the "First Lady of British Musical Theatre," recently visited the off-Broadway long-running hit revue, Forbidden Broadway: Rude Awakening. Paige originated the role of Eva Peron in the London premiere production of Evita, and later created the role of Grizabella in the original London production of Cats. She later went on to star as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard and most recently appeared as the title role in West End production of The Drowsy Chaperone.
Forbidden Broadway, a perennial favorite of theatergoers and the recipient of the 2006 Tony Honor for Excellence in Theatre, roasts the best and worst of Broadway including Spring Awakening, Curtains, A Chorus Line, Grease: You're The One That We Want, Legally Blonde, Mary Poppins, Company and Grey Gardens along with some classic bits from Forbidden Broadway's past quarter century. This edition is created and written by Gerard Alessandrini and directed by Mr. Alessandrini and Phillip George with musical direction by David Caldwell.
Forbidden Broadway: Rude Awakening plays a full schedule of eight performances a week just one block west of Broadway at the 47th Street Theatre (304 West 47 Street): Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:15 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m., with matinees on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
Tickets, priced $60-$65, are available by calling (212) 239-6200 or by visiting www.telecharge.com.
Photos courtesy Forbidden Broadway
Jared Bradshaw (performer), Elaine Paige, Michael West (performer), David Caldwell (Music Director/Pianist)
Jared Bradshaw and Elaine Paige
l-r: Jared Bradshaw, Elaine Paige, David Caldwell, Michael West, Valerie Fagan (performer) and Gina Kreiezmar (Performer/Understudy)