GOLDEN BOY is the story of Joe Bonaparte (played by Seth Numrich), a young, gifted violinist who is torn between pursuing a career in music and earning big money as a prize fighter. This is a rare Broadway production for the Odets classic and the second Odets' work to be presented by Lincoln Center Theater following its Tony Award winning revival of Awake and Sing!, also directed by Bartlett Sher, in 2006.
GOLDEN BOY has sets by Michael Yeargan, costumes by Catherine Zuber, lighting by Donald Holder, sound by Peter John Still and Marc Salzberg and fight direction by B.H. Barry.
Photo Credit: Paul Kolnik
Yvonne Strahovski and Seth Numrich
Tony Shalhoub, Seth Numrich and Danny Burstein
Seth Numrich, Danny Burstein and Danny Mastrogiorgio
Seth Numrich and Yvonne Strahovski
Anthony Crivello and Seth Numrich
Yvonne Strahovski and Danny Mastrogiorgio