Frozen recently celebrated its first anniversary on Broadway! The show has released all-new production photos, featuring original stars Caissie Levy (Elsa) and Patti Murin (Anna) and new principal cast members Joe Carroll as Hans, Noah J. Ricketts as Kristoff, and, as Olaf, Ryann Redmond, the first woman to bring the beloved snowman to life.
Check out the photos below!
Frozen is now playing at the historic St. James Theatre. The new Broadway musical opened on Thursday, March 22, 2018 and has been in the top 10 best-selling shows every week, establishing itself as the biggest musical hit of its season. Having grossed more than any new Broadway musical since Hamilton and set four St. James Theatre house records in less than a year, Frozen has been seen by nearly 1M people since its Denver pre-Broadway engagement.
As the Broadway production celebrated its first smash year on March 22nd, Disney Theatrical Productions announced three international productions, joining the previously announced North American tour launching this fall: the show will premiere in Sydney, Australia at the Capitol Theatre in July 2020; in London, Frozen will reopen the newly refurbished Theatre Royal Drury Lane in fall 2020; and a new production will be mounted in Hamburg, Germany in 2021.
Frozen is produced by Disney Theatrical Productions (under the direction of Thomas Schumacher).
Photo Credit: Deen Van Meer
Noah J. Ricketts
Caissie Levy
Photo Credit: Saint