The new Disney animated feature WINNIE THE POOH is set to be released in theaters nationwide on July 15. This week, Robert Lopez and his wife Kristen Anderson-Lopez hosted a premiere for the film in NYC.
John Cleese and Craig Ferguson are among the stars lending their voices to the film, which includes a new version of The Sherman Brothers classic, "Winnie the Pooh", sung by actress Zooey Deschanel. Tony Award winner Lopez previously announced that he and his collaborator/wife Kristen Anderson-Lopez have composed several songs for an all new film. Anderson-Lopez also voices the character of ‘Kanga' in the film.
Among the stars attending the premiere were Kerry Butler, Edie Falco, and of course Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Check out the fun photos below!
Photo Credit: Marion Curtis/
Bobby Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
Bobby Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
Bobby Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
Bobby Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
Bobby Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
Edie Falco and daughter Macy
Edie Falco and daughter Macy
Edie Falco and daughter Macy