The New York Musical Theatre Festival presents Austentatious, a new comedic musical with book by Matt Board, Jane Caplow, Kate Gavlin, Luisa Hinchliff, and Joe Slabe; music and lyrics by Matt Board and Joe Slabe.
"A sold-out hit at the 2006 Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Austentatious follows the adventures of the Central Riverdale Amateur Players as they stage a new adaptation of Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice.' With a clueless director, a jealous diva and the world's best stage manager, bad theater has never been so good!" explain press notes.
Performances are at the Julia Miles Theater (424 West 55th Street). Schedule: September 21 at 8PM; September 23 at 4:30PM; September 23 at 8PM; September 25 at 4:30PM; and September 29 at 4:30PM. Tickets $20. For more information visit
Photos by Bobby Octaviano
Amy Goldberger and Stephen Bel Davies
Stephen Bel Davies and Stacey Sargeant
Amy Goldberger and Stephanie D'Abruzzo
Stacey Sargeant and George Merrick
Paul Wyatt and Lisa Asher
Stacy Sargeant and Amy Goldberger
Stacey Sargeant, Stephen Bel Davies, Lisa Asher, Paul Wyatt,
Amy Goldberger, George Merrick and Stephanie D'Abruzzo