The Lion, the gripping, highly acclaimed autobiographical solo show written and performed by Benjamin Scheuer, is currently playing at the Lynn Redgrave Theater at Culture Project (45 Bleecker Street). Directed by Sean Daniels, The Lion will play an extended engagement Off-Broadway through March 29th, following an award-winning run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and sold-out productions at the Manhattan Theatre Club and London's St. James Theatre.
Scheuer had a huge day earlier this week, which included opening the Nasdaq market, taping an interview at NY1, and attending the opening night of Hamilton. He chronicled his whole day with photos, and below, you can tag along with Scheuer as he takes NYC by storm!
Some stories have to be sung. A good storyteller uses everything he has. So Benjamin Scheuer uses his guitar -- actually, six guitars -- in The Lion, a wholly original downtown musical experience that tells one man's gripping coming-of-age story. The award-winning songwriter inspires and disarms with his raw wit and emotional depth as he leads you on a rock n' roll journey from boyhood to manhood, through pain and healing, to discover the redemptive power of music. Much like its hero, The Lion roars.
Wake up at 6:55am before my alarm goes off. A perfect way to start the day.
Good morning New York City!
Looks warm out
Yup. Tropical
Rub a dub dub. (Anyone know the rest of that lyric?)
The first layer of armor: shirt, trousers and braces.
Tie, check. Vest, check. Corset-lace boots, check.
You're never fully dressed without a smile!
Sleigh-bells ring!
Enjoying a good cuppa mint-tea at The Elk in the West Village.
On my way uptown from Christopher St.
Welcome to Times Square!
As the snow picks up, I hurry indoors at Nasdaq.
Checking my phone before opening the markets. Love our artwork on their walls!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Release the Nasdaq!
Signing NASDAQ into NASDAQtion!
Pleased to have had such a unique New York experience - © 2015, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
As the economy crashes, you can all blame this guy.
Well that photo didn't quite work out
I am interviewed by Patrick Pacheco at NY1 On Stage
Behind the scenes in the control booth
Thanks Patrick for chatting with me about THE LION.
Exited for opening night of Lin Manuel Miranda's new show, Hamilton, at The Public
Happy opening Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton himself aiming his pistol. I'm sure things will work out ok!
At Hamilton, I met two lovely young ladies who also happened to have seen The Lion.