The show stars Michael Arden as Dickon, Laura Benanti as Lily, Celia Keenan-Bolger as Martha, David Canary as Ben, Sara Gettelfinger as Rose, and Max von Essen as Albert. The show also featurea Steven Pasquale as Archibald Craven, Will Chase as Dr. Neville Craven, Jenny Powers as Claire, Deborah S. Craig as Alice, Matt Cavenaugh as Lieutenant Shaw, Ben Magnuson as Major Holmes, Shonn Wiley as Lieutenant Wright, Barbara Rosenblat reprising the role of Mrs. Medlock, Reshma Shetty as the Ayah, Nehal Joshi as the Fakir, Struan Erlenborn as Colin Craven and Jaclyn Neidenthal as Mary Lennox.
The benefit concert will also feature a 70-person choir, a 35-piece orchestra and a children's choir featuring performers from Rosie's Broadway Kids.