Tennessee Williams' The Two-Character Play, uniting the talents of Tony Award winner Amanda Plummer (Agnes of God, Pulp Fiction) and Academy Award nominee Brad Dourif (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), directed by Gene David Kirk, opened Wednesday night at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street). BroadwayWorld was there for opening night and you can check out photos from the theatre arrivals below!
Reality and fantasy are interwoven with terrifying power as two actors on tour-brother and sister-find themselves deserted by their troupe. Faced by an audience expecting a performance, they enact The Two-Character Play. As they dip in and out of performance they find it difficult to differentiate themselves from their roles and reality from illusion. Haunting, provocative, and often funny, The Two-Character Play is one of Tennessee Williams' most personal - and mystifying - works.
Ted Seifman, Jamie deRoy, Jim Lande, Producers
Robert Driemeyer, Julio Montalvo, Ted Seifman, Ap Parinello, Jamie deRoy, Ron Johnson, Robert Barry Fleming, Morgan Sills, Jan Warner, Jim Lande
David Drake, Gerald McCullouch, Ari Gold
Richard Winkler & Lee Roy Reams
Christine DeLilse, Barry Kleinbort, Jamie deRoy
Jim Lande & David Drake
Robin Gerstenblatt & Laura Cronin
Nicole Herrington, Laura Cronin, Erica Ezold, Scott Newsome
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
Robert W. Richards & Ari Gold
Lucky Cheng
Lucky Cheng Hostess