Just yesterday the company of The Phantom of the Opera reached another milestone! The musical became the first and only show in Broadway history to celebrate reaching 12,000 Performances. BroadwayWorld was on hand for the special day and you can check out photos below!
Current stars include James Barbour (The Phantom), Ali Ewoldt (Christine) and Jordan Donica (Raoul) with co-stars Laird Mackintosh(André), Craig Bennett (Firmin), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Rebecca Eichenberger (Madame Giry), John Easterlin (Piangi), Kara Klein (Meg) and Rachel Eskenazi-Gold (Christine at certain performances)...
Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Harold Prince and produced by Cameron Mackintosh and The Really Useful Theatre Company, Inc., is the longest-running show in Broadway history. It is also one the most successful stage productions of all time.
The New York production alone has played an unheard-of 12,000 performances to 17 million people for a staggering gross of more than $1 billion. PHANTOM and its astounding longevity are unprecedented - and continues to play with no end in sight. It will celebrate an unprecedented 29 Years on January 26.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
The cast of The Phantom of the Opera
The cast of The Phantom of the Opera
The cast of The Phantom of the Opera
John Easterlin
Laird Mackintosh, Craig Bennett
Jordan Donica, James Barbour, Ali Ewoldt
James Barbour and the cast of The Phantom of the Opera
James Barbour and the cast of The Phantom of the Opera
James Barbour and the cast of The Phantom of the Opera
The cast of The Phantom of the Opera
Rachel Eskenazi-Gold, Kara Klein, Rebecca Eichenberger, Jordan Donica, Ali Ewoldt, James Barbour, Michele McConnell, John Easterlin, Craig Bennett, Laird Mackintosh
Rachel Eskenazi-Gold, Jordan Donica, Ali Ewoldt, James Barbour
Jordan Donica, Ali Ewoldt, James Barbour
Michele McConnell, John Easterlin