The longest-running show in Broadway history, Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Harold Prince and produced by Cameron Mackintosh and The Really Useful Company, Inc., once again made theater history when it became the first Broadway show ever to celebrate its 25th Anniversary last night, January 26. Much of the Phantom family reunited for the special event, and the current cast was also be a big part of the festivities.
On Broadway, since its debut on January 26, 1988, The Phantom of the Operahas grossed over $888 million. Even now - as it celebrates its 25th Anniversary on Broadway - it is consistently among Broadway's highest-grossing shows and remains a box office champ. Earlier this year, the production shattered the house record at The Majestic by having its best weekly gross in its entire 25-year history. Total attendance is now over 15 million and it continues to play with no end in sight.
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA currently stars Hugh Panaro in the title role with Sierra Boggess as Christine and Kyle Barisich as Raoul. The musical co-stars Jim Weitzer (Monsieur André), Tim Jerome (Monsieur Firmin), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Ellen Harvey (Madame Giry), Christian Šebek (Piangi) and Kara Klein (Meg Giry). At certain performances, Samantha Hill plays Christine. Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Kyle Barisich & Sierra Boggess
Kyle Barisich & Sierra Boggess
Kyle Barisich, Hugh Panaro & Sierra Boggess
Kyle Barisich, Hugh Panaro & Sierra Boggess
Kyle Barisich, Hugh Panaro & Sierra Boggess
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh with ensemble cast
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh with ensemble cast
Hal Prince, Kyle Barisich & Hugh Panaro
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh with ensemble cast
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh with ensemble cast
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh
Hal Prince & Cameron Mackintosh
The Famous Chandelier
Sarah Brightman & Andrew Lloyd Webber video tribute
Sarah Brightman & Andrew Lloyd Webber video tribute
Sarah Brightman & Andrew Lloyd Webber video tribute
Kyle Barisich, Sarah Brightman & Hugh Panaro
Sarah Brightman (Shoes by Jimmy Choo)
Kyle Barisich, Sarah Brightman & Hugh Panaro
Kyle Barisich, Sarah Brightman & Hugh Panaro
Harold Prince & Cameron Mackintosh
John Owen Jones, Hugh Panaro & Sierra Boggess
Sierra Boggess & Ramin Karimloo
Sierra Boggess & Ramin Karimloo
John Owen Jones, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Ramin Karimloo & Peter Joback
John Owen Jones, Hugh Panaro, Ramin Karimloo
John Owen Jones, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Ramin Karimloo & Peter Joback
John Owen Jones, Hal Prince, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Cameron Mackintosh, Ramin Karimloo & Peter Joback
John Owen Jones, Hal Prince, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Cameron Mackintosh & Ramin Karimloo
Hal Prince, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess & Cameron Mackintosh
Hal Prince, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess & Cameron Mackintosh
The Famous Chandelier explodes over the audience
Hal Prince, Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess & Cameron Mackintosh
'TPhantom of the Opera' - 25 Years on Broadway