Everyday Hero, Jackie Shaw, who had a stroke at age 24, attended a Broadway performance of SPIDER-MAN Turn Off the Dark on Saturday, March 17 and posed for pictures with Spider-Man himself, Reeve Carney. Check out the pictures below!
Jackie had a stroke when she was 24. She had no history of strokes, seizures, etc. She was also finally diagnosed with Moya Moya, an extremely rare disease that affects the brain. She had two craniotomies (surgeries that cut through the skin & skull to get to the brain). They bypassed her brain twice. Although it will be three years in August since Jackie had the stroke, she still lives with daily side effects. Despite her condition, which will never go away, she works as a nurse, serving others constantly. It's hard for her to work with her disease but she pushes through it to help others.
The "Everyday Heroes" program is conducted entirely online on SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark's official Facebook page. The nomination process is open to the general public, and those who wish to nominate a Hero are encouraged to visit www.facebook.com/TurnOffTheDark and complete the nomination form. Each month, a special committee made up of SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark company members chooses an honoree from the pool of nominees. The honoree receives two tickets to a performance of SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark, is publicly acknowledged at the theater, and is invited backstage for a meet-and-greet with the cast. In addition, SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark makes a donation to the charity of the honoree's choosing. Please visit www.facebook.com/TurnOffTheDark for complete rules and additional information.Photo credit: Monica Simoes