BroadwayWorld brings you complete coverage of the opening night festivities - check out photos from the opening night party below!
The ensemble cast for Scandalous includes Nick Cartell, Joseph Dellger, Erica Dorfler, Carlos L. Encinias, Hannah Florence, Corey Greenan, Benjamin Howes, Karen Hyland, Alison Luff, Jesse Nager, Sam Strasfeld, Betsy Struxness, Elizabeth Ward Land, Billie Wildrick, Dan'yelle Williamson and Matt Wolfe.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Frank Gifford, Kathie Lee Gifford
Frank Gifford, Kathie Lee Gifford, Cassidy Gifford, Cody Gifford
David Pomeranz, David Friedman
David Armstrong, Lorin Latarro
Billie Wildrick, Betsy Struxness, Erica Dorfler
David Friedman, George Hearn, David Pomeranz
George Hearn, Elizabeth Ward Land
Nick Cartell, Benjamin Howes, Joseph Dellger
Carlos L. Encinias, Sam Strasfield, Jesse Nager, Nick Cartell, Corey Greenan
David Friedman, Kathie Lee Gifford, David Pomeranz
Roz Ryan, Kathie Lee Gifford, Carolee Carmello
Kathie Lee Gifford, Regis Philbin