Michael Benjamin Washington (Jacob) and Ruth Williamson (Jacqueline)

Merwin Foard (M. Renaud, u/s Edouard Dindon), Linda Balgord (Mme. Dindon) and Dale Hensley (Fisherman, u/s Albin and Georges)

Linda Balgord and Michael Mulheren (Edouard Dindon)

Paul Canaan (Clo-Clo) and Josh Walden (Mercedes)

David Ayers (Wicked) and Angela Gaylor (Anne)

Robert Goulet arrives with wife Vera

Robert Goulet (Georges) and Gary Beach (Albin)

Robert Goulet, Gary Beach and the "Les Cagelles", starting from the left, Brad Musgrove (Hanna), Josh Walden (Mercedes), T.Oliver Reid (Chantal), u/s Jacob), Paul Canaan
(Clo-Clo), Eric Otte (Dermah), Charlie Sutton (Odette) and Nathan Peck (Nicole)

Bryan Batt (Standby Albin), Robert Goulet and Michael Benjamin Washington

Michael Benjamin Washington, Michael Mulheren, Vera Goulet and Byran Batt

Emma Zacks (Paulette, u/s Anne), Ruth Williamson, Robert Goulet, Linda Balgord and Angela Gaylor

Josh Walden and Eric Otte

Gary Beach, Brad Musgrove, Andy Pellick (Angelique) and
T. Oliver Reid
Andy Pellick, Brad Musgrove and Bryan Batt
Robert Goulet posing with the newest addition to restaurant's Broadway Wall of Fame