RED EYE OF LOVE is a girl-meats-boy love story. Selma Chargesse is torn between her love of great wealth and her passion for idealism and the two men in her life who offer her one or the other-Wilmer, a naïve young dreamer and O.O. Martinas, the proprietor of the world's largest meat department store. Could she have both? Don't miss this rare musical ready for prime time that tugs at the heart and tickles the funny bone. Any way you slice it, this is red meat for musical theater lovers and that's no bum steer.
"RED EYE OF LOVE is written in the language of burlesque using puns and allegory, word play and stock phrases to make its points," says co-writer
John Wulp. "It's not a conventional musical. It is an extended metaphor - a history of America. The story of the rise ofO.O. Martinas' Meat Emporium roughly parallels the story of America, except that the play begins at the turn of the century - a time that could be encompassed within the lifetime experiences of
Arnold Weinstein and myself."
When RED EYE OF LOVE opened in New York City in September 2014 at the Dicapo Theater, The New York Times called it "what The Fantasticks might be like if it developed a social conscience." It was praised as a "madcap musical" by Playbill, "enjoyable" by Theater Lifeand "amusing" by Talkin' Broadway. Theater is Easy said "the score is a pastiche wonder that expertly brings to mind the stage shows of the early Twentieth Century" with Curtain Up calling it "a throwback to the post-Vaudeville escapist song and dance shows."
1. Good Old O.O.
2. Park Scene
3. I'm Going to the Movies
4. Rain
5. Dolls
6. Open Your Eyes
7. Seize the Opportunity
8. How Much?
9. The Meat Ballet
10. What Happened?
11. Yes, Well, Anyway
12. Say, Fella
13. The Word on the Street
14. Two Fat Cats
15. Red Eye of Love
16. Among the Navajo
17. Three's the Key Finale

Red Eye Of Love CD Release Party

Red Eye of Love
Kelli O'Hara

Kelli O'Hara

Donna Trinkoff and Kelli O'Hara

John Wulp (Lyrics), Ted Sperling and Kelli O'Hara

John Wulp, Ted Sperling, Kelli O'Hara and Sam Davis (Music)

Ted Sperling and Kelli O'Hara

Josh Grisetti, Kelli O'Hara and Brad Oscar

Josh Grisetti, Kelli O'Hara and Brad Oscar

Steve Norman (Ghostlight Records), Josh Grisetti, Kelli O'Hara, Brad Oscar and Greg Brunswick (Ghostlight Records)

Nikki Renee Daniels, Josh Grisetti, Kelli O'Hara and Brad Oscar

Checking out the CD-Nikki Renee Daniels, Josh Grisetti, Brad Oscar and Kelli O'Hara

Nikki Renee Daniels, Josh Grisetti, Brad Oscar and Kelli O'Hara

Josh Grisetti

Josh Grisetti

Brad Oscar

Brad Oscar

Nikki Renee Daniels

Nikki Renee Daniels