"Romance" by David Mamet, directed by Lisa Peterson, recently opened at Bay Street Theatre in Sag Harbor, New York. cast members include: Chris Bauer, Darrell Hammond, Richard Kind, Matt McGrath, Joe Pallister, Reg Rogers and Joey Slotnick. Tickets for the production are $55-$65 and can be purchased by visiting http://www.baystreet.org/.
Mamet madness! ROMANCE is a roller coaster ride in which no one is left unscathed. Chiropractors, Lawyers, Christians, Jews, Gays, Minorities, Shakespeare and even World Peace are skewered as only Mamet can. An outrageously zestful comedy - joyfully vicious. Inspired Mamet at his most adept. Leave your 'politically' correct' hat at home.Bay Street Theatre is a not-for-profit 299-seat professional regional theatre situated on Long Wharf, in Sag Harbor, NY, and founded in 1991 by Sybil Christopher, Stephen Hamilton and Emma Walton.
Operating year round, Bay Street Theatre is a not-for-profit regional theater presenting new, classic and contemporary works, with a commitment to challenging and entertaining our diverse community. This commitment extends to innovative educational programs that highlight the power of live theater. It is our mission to be an artistic haven for an extended family of artists and audience, while continuing to provide a gathering place to share in the unique collective theatrical experience.
Photo Credit: Linda Lenzi