The Broadway premiere of Grace, the acclaimed dark comedy written by award-winning writer Craig Wright (Mistakes Were Made, Recent Tragic Events, "Six Feet Under") and directed by Dexter Bullard (Tracy Letts' BUG), began performances last night, Thursday, September 13th, with an official opening night set for Thursday, October 4, 2012.
BroadwayWorld was at the stage door after the show, where the cast was greeted by fans for the first time. Check out full photo coverage below!
Tickets for the production ($32.00 - $132.00), featuring an all-star cast that includes Paul Rudd and Academy Award® nominee Michael Shannon, with Kate Arrington and seven-time Emmy Award®-winner Ed Asner, are also currently on-sale.
For more about GRACE on Broadway, visit
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski