Directed by Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot has recently celebrated its 1000th performance in London and has now been seen by over 1.5 million people and has grossed over £65 million.
For more information please visit
Photo Credit Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Stage Atmosphere at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical held at the Professional Performing Arts High School in New York City.
Stage Atmosphere at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical held at the Professional Performing Arts High School in New York City.
Stage Atmosphere at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical held at the Professional Performing Arts High School in New York City.
Director Stephen Daldry
Director Stephen Daldry
Ensemble performing at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical
Ensemble performing at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical
Ensemble performing at the Broadway Launch of BILLY ELLIOT - The Musical
Trent Kowalik & Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez with Elton John & Stephen Daldry
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez with Elton John & Stephen Daldry
Trent Kowalik & Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez with Elton John
Trent Kowalik & Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez with Stephen Daldry
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez & Trent Kowalik & Elton John
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez & Trent Kowalik & Elton John
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez & Trent Kowalik
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez & Trent Kowalik
Kiril Kulish & David Alvarez & Trent Kowalik
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez
Kiril Kulish & Trent Kowalik & David Alvarez