Actors' Equity Association ("AEA" or Equity) yesterday announced that Pippin received the seventh annual "ACCA" Award for Outstanding Broadway Chorus. Presented by Equity's Advisory Committee on Chorus Affairs (ACCA), the ACCA Award is the only industry accolade of its kind to honor the distinctive talents and contributions made by the original chorus members of a Broadway musical.
The winners of the 2013 ACCA Award, all of whom were part of the Pippin chorus on the musical's April 25, 2013 Broadway opening night are: Grégory Arsenal, Lolita Costet, Colin Cunliffe, Andrew Fitch, Orion Griffiths, Viktoria Grimmy, Sabrina Harper, Olga Karmansky, Bethany Moore, Brad Musgrove, Stephanie Pope, Philip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes and Anthony Wayne.
The award was presented at a special reception in the Equity Council Room, and you can check out photos from te special celebration below!
In reviewing the chorus of each Broadway musical that opened during the 2012-13 theatrical season, ACCA considered the chorus requirements made by each show's director, choreographer and musical director; the caliber of technical skill used to execute those requirements; and the unique contributions made by the entire chorus to the overall production. Past Broadway chorus recipients of the ACCA Award are Legally Blonde (2007), In the Heights (2008), West Side Story (2009), Fela! (2010), The Scottsboro Boys (2011) and Newsies (2012).
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
The Seventh Annual ACCA Award for Outstanding Broadway Chorus to 'Pippin'
The Seventh Annual ACCA Award for Outstanding Broadway Chorus to 'Pippin'
The Seventh Annual ACCA Award for Outstanding Broadway Chorus to 'Pippin'
Thomas Carpenter
The Seventh Annual ACCA Award for Outstanding Broadway Chorus to 'Pippin'
David Westphal and Orion Griffiths
David Westphal and Orion
Winners: Orion Griffiths, Viktoria Grimmy and Sabrina Harper
Brad Musgrove and David Westphal
Winners: Bethany Moore, Brad Musgrove, Stephanie Pope with David Westphal
Winners: Stephanie Pope, Phillip Rosenberg with David Westphal
Winners: Phillip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes and Anthony Wayne with David Westphal
Winners: Stephanie Pope, Phillip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes and Anthony Wayne
Winners: Gregory Arsenal, Lolita Costet, Colin Cunliffe, Andrew Fitch, Orion Griffiths, Viktoria Grimmy, Sabrina Harper, Olga Karmansky, Bethany Moore, Brad Musgrove, Stephanie Pope, Philip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes and Anthony Wayne
Winners: Gregory Arsenal, Lolita Costet, Colin Cunliffe, Andrew Fitch, Orion Griffiths, Viktoria Grimmy, Sabrina Harper, Olga Karmansky, Bethany Moore, Brad Musgrove, Stephanie Pope, Philip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes and Anthony Wayne
Producer Howard Kagan with winners: Gregory Arsenal, Lolita Costet, Colin Cunliffe, Andrew Fitch, Orion Griffiths, Viktoria Grimmy, Sabrina Harper, Olga Karmansky, Bethany Moore, Brad Musgrove, Stephanie Pope, Philip Rosenberg, Yannick Thomas, Molly Tynes, Anthony Wayne and Company